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平台工程实践案例 分享 #10

Open node opened 1 year ago

node commented 1 year ago

通用电气 一个价值 70 亿美元的教训!如何避免平台工程变成“大灾难”? 通用电气在平台工程上浪费 70 亿美元的教训 【在 PlatformCon 上的主讲人 Steve Pereira 分享了通用电气如何在类似平台项目上浪费了 70 亿美元的案例。】

Palo Alto Networks 的平台工程

蚂蚁 蚂蚁规模化平台工程实践两年多,我们学到了什么 蚂蚁集团平台工程规模化实践 分享资料下载-PDF

阿里 2023-07 云原生微服务应用的平台工程实践 2023-12 阿里平台工程的发展历程与关键实践

node commented 10 months ago

麦当劳 麦当劳的DevOps范儿:Ninja平台工程实践揭秘


沃尔玛 2020-6 万丈高楼平地起:Walmart 如何打造平台团队

node commented 10 months ago

Netflix Netflix 是如何利用联合平台控制台统一工程体验的 聊聊 Netflix 那些大胆的技术创新 Developer Productivity Engineering at Netflix 【中文翻译 to Be an Effective Platform Engineering Team提到了 Netflix 在2018年的一次QCon分享:Better Developer Experience at Netflix: Polyglot and Containers Mike McGarr, manager of developer productivity at Netflix, gave a talk for QCon on how the company moved to polyglot development by creating a developer platform. With containerization this allowed the team at Netflix to move away from a Java shop to one that met engineers where they were and allowed teams to work in the best language for their challenges. Mike has some insights from the very beginning of platform engineering. There’s a great list of lessons learned:

Netflix has learned:

Adobe Adobe’s Internal Developer Platform Journey and Lessons

node commented 10 months ago

Palantir 2023-5 Palantir 如何构建基于 GitOps 的内部开发者平台

Licious Towards a Platform Engineering Culture - Empowering Innovation and Collaboration inside Licious

node commented 10 months ago


2022-10-25 Spotify’s Backstage: A Strategic Guide

2023-2-28 How Spotify Adopted and Outsourced Its Platform Mindset

2023-4 Let’s Go Backstage: IDP Security for Platform Engineers - Rotem Refael, ARMO & Suzanne Daniels, Spotify

2023-9-5 How Spotify Achieved a Voluntary 99% Internal Platform Adoption Rate

2023-10-12 Spotify’s Backstage Roadmap Aims to Speed Adoption

2023-10-14 How Platform Engineering Comes from Complexity 中文翻译:复杂性孕育了平台工程

node commented 9 months ago

WIX Platform as a Runtime (PaaR) - Beyond Platform Engineering

Sotheby How Platform Engineering Works

node commented 9 months ago

KubeCon EU 2023-4

AutoDesk Building a Platform Engineering Fabric with the Kube API at Autodesk - Jesse Sanford & Greg Haynes, Autodesk

Shopify Keynote: Is Kubernetes Delivering on its Promise? A Platform Engineering Perspective - Aparna Subramanian, Director of Production Engineering, Shopify

node commented 9 months ago

Uber How to Be an Effective Platform Engineering Team提到了 Uber 在2021年分享的案例:The Platform and Program Split at Uber

In a writeup from 2021, Gergerly Orosz wrote about how Uber created a platform engineering team that differed greatly from existing teams, in the main because it didn’t work on a project basis but instead handled ongoing concerns about technical debt and developer enablement. This work presented real challenges in making a business justification, after all, these were engineers specifically not tasked with shipping features. But with careful observation the benefits were plain:

Platform teams improve organizational efficiency. They reduce duplication of work and help with the standardization of approaches, when standardization is a benefit for the organization. For example, setting up a backend security platform team can help with standardizing security vulnerability checks across the company.

Platform teams faced specific challenges at Uber. One that I found fascinating was seniority over-saturation: Since they rarely had to deal with tight deadlines or business stakeholders, senior engineers gravitated toward platform engineering, unbalancing the organization. The whole piece is a fascinating read and talks about how Uber navigated a shift from a pure startup culture to one that needs to protect its enormous technical and business achievements.

node commented 9 months ago

Stitch Fix How to Be an Effective Platform Engineering Team提到了 Stitch Fix 在2022-9分享的案例:What I Learned Building Platforms at Stitch Fix

In this article on Medium, Stefan Krawczyk describes how his team created a platform for data scientists without them having to “hand off” their models. This philosophical shift toward a team whose sole focus was improving the developer experience was fundamental and changed their entire approach.

At a high level, the platform team operated without product managers and had to come up with platform capabilities to move data scientists forward, who in turn moved the Stitch Fix business forward.

There are a number of lessons in Stefan’s write-up that I’ve used for this article, including the fantastic “focus on adoption, not completeness” when deciding when and how to release tools to the team.

node commented 9 months ago

众安保险 从 DevOps 向平台工程演进的建设思路及实践 分享资料下载-PDF

招商银行 招商银行金融平台工程实践 招商银行一直在推进云原生金融生产实践,以实现快速数字化转型。过程中,我们需要平衡满足银行对安全合规性、交易一致性和全链条业务风险管理的更高需求与采用云原生应用之间的挑战。同时,我们还需要应对由银行IT组织结构引起的云原生演进问题。平台工程是解决这些挑战的务实解决方案。我们将分享如何依托云原生应用管理平台,实践金融级平台工程,以提供一致的开发者体验,应用管理流程,提高效率并减少错误,并实施安全风险策略以确保合规性和风险控制。

node commented 9 months ago

火山引擎 基于云原生范式构建开发者平台实践 近年来业内兴起了对devOps一些反模式的讨论,萌生了"平台工程(platform engineering)"的理念。平台工程核心动机在于找到研发自助和认知负载的平衡,不限于单个技术或者工具,更聚焦在以提升开发者工作效率和体验为核心,将成熟工具粘合在一起构建合适的工具链路。 本篇会结合一个真实的多云多应用的复杂系统交付场景,探讨如何基于云原生技术体系,构建完整的内部开发者平台体系,包括GitOps+IaC编排交付设计、平台动态建模与插件扩展原理、开发者门户设计思路等。