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平台工程动态 11月 #20

Closed node closed 1 month ago

node commented 8 months ago

CNCF 正计划在年底前发布云原生技术全景图 v2,更快更易用 预览地址:

node commented 8 months ago

2023 平台工程调研报告 原文 翻译 #21

node commented 8 months ago

CNCF 平台工程成熟度模型发布 英文 中文 TODO

CNCF app delivery TAG 发布中文网站

node commented 8 months ago

State of Platform Engineering Report Volume 1 This year, we compiled the best insights from top platform practitioners to answer the most commonly asked questions. The report dives into:

State of Platform Engineering Report Volume 2 This year, we compiled the best insights from top platform practitioners to answer the most commonly asked questions. The report dives into:

node commented 8 months ago

8 Essential Metrics to Measure Developer Productivity in 2023 Table of Contents 1. What is developer productivity? 2. Why do companies measure developers' productivity? 2.1. Resource Allocation and Management 2.2. Identifying Strengths and Weaknesses 2.3. Setting Realistic Goals and Expectations 2.4. Tracking Progress and Improvement 2.5. Demonstrating Value to Stakeholders 3. Why is prioritizing your to-do list essential? 4. How do you measure a developer's productivity? 4.1. Efficiency 4.2. Code churn 4.3. Lead time 4.4. Cycle time 4.5. Activity 4.6. Communication and collaboration 4.7. Mean time to recover (MTTR) 4.8. Job satisfaction and well-being 5. Barriers to Developer Productivity and Effective Strategies for Improvement 5.1. Barriers to Developer Productivity 5.2. Ways to Improve Developer Productivity 5.3. Measuring Developer Productivity 5.4. Best Practices for Measuring Developer Productivity 6. Tools to measure developer productivity 6.1. Project management tools 6.2. Collaboration tools 6.3. Employee engagement tool 7. Conclusion

node commented 8 months ago

Gartner: 中国的平台工程 正处于萌芽期 Gartner于近日最新发布2023年中国信息与通信技术成熟度曲线,该曲线显示中国的平台工程 正处于萌芽期。

node commented 8 months ago

CNCF TAG Appp Dlivery - PaaP WG 正在起草 平台即产品白皮书


node commented 8 months ago

Hacking your manager - how to get platform engineering on their radar


node commented 8 months ago

GitHub Universe 2023
Driving organizational sustainability with platform engineering [DEV2173G]

Platform engineering: a new idea or just a new name? [DEV2882L]

Platform engineering made easy: Octopus Deploy’s answer to DevEx [DEV2891D]

Built with ❤️: Why developer experience matters [DEV2197G]

node commented 7 months ago

KubeCon + CloudNativeCon Europe 除设置 Platform Engineering专题外,还额外有同场活动:Platform Engineering Day,正在召集议题,截止12月3日。


node commented 7 months ago

TOP100 全球软件研发案例峰会 设置【提升规模化效能的平台工程】专题

node commented 7 months ago

Platform Engineering Blog: Bringing together FinOps, DevOps, and platform engineering

Discover how to achieve cloud cost efficiency through the power of platforms, by combining proven and efficient engineering practices. Ajay Chankramath Head of Platform Engineering at Thoughtworks North America Published on November 8, 2023

node commented 7 months ago

平台工程主题的系列文章 Part 1: Evolving DevOps: Platform Engineering Takes Center Stage Part 2: The DevOps Future Is User-Centric Platform Engineering Part 3: Shaping DevOps with the Best of ‘By Audit’ and ‘By Design’ Part 4: Cloud Portability: How Platform Engineering Pushes Past Toil Part 5: How Platform Engineering Can Help Keep Cloud Costs in Check Part 6: Making the Leap: Ops Roles Evolve into Platform Engineers Part 7: Platform Engineering, Yes/No? A Guide to Making the Call Part 8: Measuring Key KPIs and Platform Engineering Success Part 9: Bringing Harmony to Chaos: A Dive into Standardization Part 10: Platform Engineering — Navigating Today, Forecasting Tomorrow

作者 Pravanjan Choudhury Pravanjan Choudhury is the CEO and co-founder of Facets, a self-serve DevOps automation platform that helps companies adopt platform engineering practices. With over 19 years of experience, Pravanjan has worked on diverse technology platforms, ranging from embedded systems to cloud-based products. During his last tenure as a CTO, he successfully led multiple acquisitions and effectively scaled technology teams. He holds a Ph.D. in computer science and enjoys playing badminton in his leisure time.

node commented 7 months ago

文章分享 平台工程:减少认知负荷,提高开发者生产力 通过平台工程与自服务工具为开发者赋能

node commented 7 months ago

将 FinOps、DevOps 和平台工程结合在一起 Ajay Chankramath Head of Platform Engineering at Thoughtworks North America

node commented 7 months ago

eBook : Platform Engineering: What You Need to Know Now 文章 PDF下载

node commented 7 months ago

新书出版 Platform Strategy: Innovation Through Harmonization

作者 Gregor Hohpe 是PlatformCon的演讲嘉宾,在YouTube上有许多不错的视频。

Gregor Hohpe 为 CTO 和高级 IT 主管提供 IT 战略、云架构和组织转型方面的建议。他曾担任新加坡政府顾问、安联集团首席架构师、谷歌云 CTO 办公室技术总监。

Table of Contents

About this Book Revision History Part I: Understanding Platforms

  1. Standing on the Shoulders of Giants
  2. The Fab Four of Technology Platforms Part II: A Strategy for Platforms
  3. Formulating a Strategy
  4. Becoming a Platform Company
  5. Mapping Platforms
  6. The Platform Paradox
  7. Addendum: “I ACED My Strategy” Part III: In-House Platforms
  8. In-House IT Platforms
  9. IT Platform and IT Services Org Are Antonyms
  10. Mechanisms not Magic
  11. Do You Have an Opinion? A mind of your own?
  12. Making Platform Decisions
  13. Procuring a Platform Part IV: Designing Platforms
  14. The 7 “C“s of Platform Quality
  15. Fruit Salad or Fruit Basket?
  16. Will Your Platform Float or Sink?
  17. Beware the Grim Wrapper!
  18. Build Abstractions Not Illusions
  19. Failure Doesn’t Respect Abstraction Part V: Implementing Platforms
  20. Platform Anatomy
  21. Platform Implementation Choices Part VI: Growing Platforms
  22. The Cube: Three Dimensions of Platform Evolution
  23. The Shape of Platforms Part VII: Organizing for Platforms
  24. Platform, Inc.
  25. Rolling out a Developer Platform
  26. The Customer-Centric Platform Team
  27. Platform Teams Without Platform
node commented 7 months ago

HashiCorp WHITE PAPER Platform Teams Best Practices 了解云技术应用的各个阶段、平台团队所扮演的角色,以及如何建立和确保这些团队及其创建的平台取得成功。


Executive Summary
The 3 phases of cloud adoption
Phase 1: Adopting — an ad hoc approach to cloud
Phase 2: Standardizing Platform as a service
Phase 3: Scaling Hybrid and multi-cloud platforms
Platform teams bring order to chaos
What’s in scope for platform teams?
Platform teams accelerate cloud adoption
Enterprise platform capabilities
Platform team best practices
Considerations when establishing a platform and platform team Organizational considerations of platform teams
Ensuring adoption and success
The value of platform teams
Conclusion and next steps

node commented 7 months ago

播客 Cognitive Load and Platforms

node commented 7 months ago

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