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平台工程动态 12月 #32

Closed node closed 9 months ago

node commented 1 year ago

PECommunity Newsletter

欢迎提交、推荐、自荐平台及平台工程相关的行业动态、技术实践、会议活动等 。我们将按月度汇总后在社区发布和推送。

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node commented 12 months ago

KubeCon EU 2023-4 KubeCon Panel: How Platform Engineering Benefits Developers

From GitLab, HashiCorp, Red Hat

node commented 12 months ago

KubeCon NA 11-7 平台工程专题 议题分享

Tuesday, November 7

Back to the Future: Managing Trust in a Cloud-Native Environment - Eli Nesterov, SPIRL

Building, Scaling, and Growing Internal Developer Platform for Companies Inside Companies - Joshua Bezaleel Abednego & Giri Kuncoro, GoTo Financial Harnessing Argo & Flux: The Quest to Scale Add-Ons Beyond 10k Clusters- Joaquin Rodriguez, Microsoft & Priyanka Ravi, Weaveworks

Building a Paved Road for Debuggability! - Anusha Ragunathan & Kevin Downey, Intuit

Runwasi: WebAssembly Serverless for Containerd - Angel M De Miguel Meana, VMware & Francisco Cabrera, Microsoft

Adopting Server Side Apply in Knative - a Case Study - Dave Protasowski, VMware

Scalable User Authentication for Kubernetes Clusters with OpenID Connector - Nathan Brahms & Shashwat Sehgal, P0 Security

Building Better Controllers - John Howard, Google

KMM: Your Swiss Army Knife for Kernel Modules on Kubernetes - Quentin Barrand, Red Hat & Hersh Pathak, Intel

Self-service Stream Processing Platform on Kubernetes at Apple - Chenya Zhang, Apple Inc.

Cutting Climate Costs with Kubernetes and CAPI - Shiva Rezaie & Steve Francis, Sidero Labs

Streamlining Infrastructure with Crossplane: A Transformation Story - Clément Blaise, Consensys & Jared Watts, Upbound

Wednesday, November 8

Running Large-Scale Scheduling Simulations with Virtual Kubelet - David Morrison, Applied Computing Research Labs

Declarative Everything - Cici Huang, Google Leveraging Cluster-API for Production-Ready Multi-Regional Infrastructures - Shotaro Gotanda & Kotaro Inoue, LY Corporation

Empowering Users Through Platform Engineering: Unleashing the Potential of Self-Service Tooling - Ana Margarita Medina & Adriana Villela, Lightstep

On the Right Tack: Kubernetes at Uber Scale - Aditya Bhave & Apoorva Jindal, Uber Technologies

Efficient Resource Utilization for Batch Compute on Kubernetes - Amit Kumar & Kevin Xu, Uber

Kubernetes on a Budget: How to Get Pay-per-Use Right - Vasuki Prasad & Karim Lakhani, Intuit

Supercharge Your AI Platform with KubeRay: Ray + Kubernetes - Archit Kulkarni, Anyscale & Winston Chiang, Google

Gen3: Advancing Biomedical Research with an Open Source Cloud-Native Platform - Jawad Qureshi, University of Chicago & Colin Griffin, Krumware

Journey Of Building Our Kubernetes Platform: Successes, Failures, And Valuable Lessons Learned - Maryam Tavakkoli, Relex Solutions

How We Optimized Our Developer Experience with Telepresence - Frank Gu, Voiceflow

The Hidden Heroes Behind AI: Making Sense of GPUs and TPUs in K8s - David Porter, Google & Evan Lezar, NVIDIA

Thursday, November 9

Beyond the Cluster: Harnessing the Power of Kubernetes Namespaces - Victor Varza & Aneci Adrian, Adobe Inc

Introducing the BACK Stack! - Ritesh Patel, Nirmata & David Murphy, Upbound

Automate Production-Ready Cluster Using Crossplane Compositions and Kyverno - Dolis Sharma, Nirmata

node commented 11 months ago


Platform engineering What is platform engineering?

Platform engineering principles

Platform engineering journey Build a team Define the problem space Plan and prioritize Apply software engineering systems Refine application platform Design a self-service foundation

node commented 11 months ago

Cloud Native Operational Excellence (CNOE) 云原生卓越运营


Adobe、Amazon Web Services、Autodesk、Salesforce 和 Twilio 联合推出了一项用于构建内部开发人员平台 (IDP) 的开源计划。云原生卓越运营(又名 CNOE,发音为 Kuh.noo)是一项共享开发人员工具、想法和模式的共同努力,以帮助组织做出明智的技术选择并解决常见的痛点。 CNOE 将使组织能够通过协调贡献、提供工具以及提供中立且公正的技术选择指导来应对工具蔓延和技术流失,以交付内部开发人员平台。

Cloud Native Operational Excellence (CNOE) Approach Technology Capabilities Reference Implementations

node commented 11 months ago

TOP100全球软件案例研究峰会 专题:提升规模化效能的平台工程

node commented 11 months ago

Octopus: Platform Engineering

node commented 11 months ago

Platform Engineering Primer

node commented 11 months ago

Light the way ahead: Platform Engineering, Golden Paths, and the power of self-service

node commented 11 months ago


实用魔法:提高软件开发团队的生产力和幸福感 项目官网 GitHub仓库

node commented 10 months ago

BackStage README 增加中文版

node commented 10 months ago

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