PEERINGTestbed / client

PEERING client controller
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maintain (partial) backwards compatibility #34

Closed cunha closed 5 years ago

cunha commented 5 years ago

The -c and -C options have been merged into a single one. Users must always specify both the ASN and the community value.

-c ASN,COMM Attach community ASN,COMM to the announcement.  Can be used
            multiple times to attach multiple communities.  Only
            PEERING-operated ASes are allowed for ASN.  Both ASN and
            COMM are limited to 16-bit numbers.

            Communities in the range 47065,0--2000 have special meaning:

            - Community 47065,0 indicates that an announcement should be
              announced to remote peers through AL2S.
            - Communities 47065,X (1 <= X <= 1000) indicate that the
              announcement should be exported to peer X.
            - Communities 47065,1000+X (1 <= X <= 1000) indicate that
              the announcement should not be exported to the peer X.

            Announcements through each peer only see their filtering
            community.  The default behavior is to announce to all
            peers.  See for the list of
            peers and their IDs.

            Special communities in the range 65535,65281--65284 defined
            in RFCs 1997 and 3765 are filtered and have no effect.

            A maximum of 20 communities (not including the special
            communities above) is allowed in any announcement.  If the
            number of communities exceeds 20, all communities will be