PERFORM-Forecasts / documentation

ARPA-E PERFORM Forecasts Documentation
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NYISO forecast data #23

Open Han-shu opened 2 months ago

Han-shu commented 2 months ago

Bug Description BA_Existing_solar_intra-hour_fcs.h5

  1. The forecast data size is wrong. It should be a 99 times 70080 matrix but it is with size 99 times 70120.

  2. From column 41 to column 142, data entries are all zeros, which does not make sense.3.

  3. There are no other existing solar forecast files for day ahead.


  1. Data does not make sense. For example, constant value (33415.96) for all quantiles in a lot of hours and values in lower quantiles are higher than that in higher quantiles.

File Path Full path to file(s) of concern

Code Sample and Output A copy-pastable example if possible including the output indicating the anomaly in the file(s) above

# Your code here

Expected behavior A clear and concise description of what you expected to happen.

Screenshots If applicable, add screenshots to help explain your problem.



Additional context Add any other context about the problem here.