PERFORM-Forecasts / documentation

ARPA-E PERFORM Forecasts Documentation
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Site-level intra-hour wind forecast issues #8

Closed xy3134 closed 3 years ago

xy3134 commented 3 years ago


The intra-hour wind forecast for Loma Pinta II and Loma Pinta Wind have size (70075, 99), while the other wind farms have (70080, 99).

Some forecasts have only 1-hour horizon (e.g., the forecasts issued at 2018-03-11 00:00:00, 2018-03-11 01:00:00). Some forecasts have multiple forecasts for the same forecast_time (e.g. 2018-03-10 23:00:00).

Would there be future updates to resolve these issues?

Thanks, Xinshuo

MRossol commented 3 years ago

@xy3134 we are working to fix these issues, I'll post an update once we re-sync them with AWS

MRossol commented 3 years ago

@xy3134 , this should be fixed in the most recent data push