PESTools / pestools

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This thing needs a name #9

Closed echristi closed 9 years ago

echristi commented 9 years ago

This thing needs a name. Thread to brainstorm ideas. Doesn't necessary include PEST in name. Anyone know how Pandas got it's name?

PEST Tools Current working name. Not very creative but self-explanatory PEST-ViP PEST Visualization and Processing Dung Beetle Taking data left behind by PEST and making use of it. Feeds on the feces of PEST. Maybe not the best idea... -Scarab – a dung beetle of special significance in ancient Egypt Killer Rabbit Search for PEST and Monte Python and this is what I got Parasite Relies on and exploits all the work that PEST does PDPV PEST Data Processing and Visualization PVDP PEST Visualization and Data Processing Pst_tools PEST-PaV PEST Processing and Visualization pdapviz propesdat pdatap some letter combo. Pandas come from panel data

aleaf commented 9 years ago

I like the idea of naming it something totally offbeat (not to say that I have any ideas off the top of my head)

I can't remember for sure, but I think pandas is short for panel datasets:

but other people have run with that name:

aleaf commented 9 years ago

I like killer rabbit, but i found this:

echristi commented 9 years ago

Maybe we should name it after aleaf's former self and call it squirrel. Or Killer squirrel.

aleaf commented 9 years ago

echristi commented 9 years ago

Moving Dave's suggestion to here: PENGUIN stands for Pest ENvironment and GUI for Noodling on results

I kind of like it, I'm not sure I would refer to this as a GUI but it sort of is.

aleaf commented 9 years ago

I like Dave's suggestion as well, but would agree that we are not really building a GUI.

PESTviz PESTview maybe too narrow in scope if we want to do things besides plotting PESTptl python tools library PESTer if anyone can think of something clever for the 'e' and 'r' (or not) PESTle or pestle. crushes and grinds PEST input and output PESTo or the nicer-looking pesto. Everyone loves pesto, especially Mike with his pizza oven. But what does the 'o' stand for? PESTapp analysis and post-processing (or short for application)

djdahlstrom commented 9 years ago

PESTle is quite clever.

PESTo - the o could be "omni-tool"

What if we redefine GUI as follows. I would like to work in a Monty Pythonism if possible. PENGUIN stands for Pest ENvironment and General User Interface for Noodling on results

going for a word undoubtedly in a Python sketch: PRAMS - Pest Reading And Manipulation Software (but the CDC has a PRAMS program: Pregnancy Risk Assessment Monitoring System)

PESTshop - mashup of Pet Shop and MATLAB (PESTshop would be to PEST I/O what MATLAB is to matrices)

echristi commented 9 years ago

PENGUIN Pest Environment for Graphics Utilities Inference and Noodling or Python Environment for Graphics Utilities Inference and Noodling

echristi commented 9 years ago

PUPPY = PEST Utilities and Post processing in Python PUGPY = PEST Utilities and Graphics for Python GUPPY = Graphic and Utilities for Pest in Python GU-PEST = Graphic and Utilities for Pest PUPEN = PEST Utilities Processing in Python ENvironment