PEXPlugins / PermissionsEx

A powerful permissions plugin for Minecraft
Apache License 2.0
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Commands #1945

Closed zml2008 closed 9 years ago

zml2008 commented 9 years ago

PEX2 needs a slightly different command structure due to important functionality differences.

Here's thoughts:


Flags: --transient: Whether or not the permission stored in-memory only, meaning anything set as transient will go away when the server stops --context <key>=<value>: The context to perform this action in. Contexts are things like world=myworld or dimension=Overworld

Example usage: Setting up a simple group:

/pex group Member perm worldedit.navigation.jumpto true
/pex group Member perm true
/pex group Member option prefix [Member]

Adding a (currently online) user to that group:

/pex user risaccess1 parent add group Member

(where replacing risaccess1 with the name of the user you want to add)

zml2008 commented 9 years ago

Writing out permissions as I go:

where <subject> is <type>.<identifier>. own is checked if the subject is the command executor and can also give access to the command.

zml2008 commented 9 years ago

Commands are more or less implemented. They'll probably be tweaked over time though.

Rentai commented 9 years ago

Pex reload is given to everyone by default. Without any PEX nodes given out, basic users can reload the files.

ghost commented 9 years ago

Howto set default group for players?

RunningBuff21 commented 8 years ago

Hi, I was wondering if you could explain more into the parents and inheriting commands portion of this plugin. How is this done and what is the command breakdown

sibomots commented 8 years ago

Initial setup document / sample .conf ?

I haven't had much success in finding some sample config files

Just a typical server admin structure Server with admins, moderators and players Each with a set of permissions, the higher permissions inheriting from the lower levels

I've used PEX in the Cauldron era, but I think the config file format changed substantially.

TypicalDarkness commented 8 years ago

How can I make players be part of a default group when they join for the first time?

ghost commented 8 years ago

Favorlock commented 8 years ago

Are you supposed to be able to do "pex user Favorlock parent add somerandomword admin"? All the examples I've seen use "group" for "somerandomword", but yet I notice that you can use anything for "somerandomword".

Malachiel87 commented 8 years ago

how i remove groups?

Stormbow commented 8 years ago

/pex group <group> delete

crymates commented 7 years ago

Is it possible to set permission for "join" and "leave" specific group?

Like Tester123 is allowed to join (set himself) group "newbie" and is also allwowed to leave (remove himself) the group "newbie".

Like current config the following perms should be needed:

                    "": 1,
                    "permissionsex.parent.add.newbie.own": 1,

Currently that does not work :/

Greetz, Hannes

Btw. perfect for roleplay servers if working, like an officer is on duty and off duty.