PEXPlugins / PermissionsEx

A powerful permissions plugin for Minecraft
Apache License 2.0
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Compatible Permission Plugin With EssentialsX #2851

Closed ZardosCraft closed 7 years ago

ZardosCraft commented 7 years ago

(Lol sorry This is my 3rd post of the day) Anyway I can find a permission plugin that works with EssentialsX because PermissionsEX will not work (which is the one everyone is saying to use) so is there any permission plugin that is compatible with EssentialsX. Thanks!

ZardosCraft commented 7 years ago

(not my IP i have it hosted)

ZardosCraft commented 7 years ago

its not a very big server im just trying to get it built and plugins started

Stormbow commented 7 years ago

You're running Spigot, right?

ZardosCraft commented 7 years ago

well Spigot and Bukkit

ZardosCraft commented 7 years ago

(Apex Minecraft Hosting)

ZardosCraft commented 7 years ago

but mostly bukkit

ZardosCraft commented 7 years ago

Is it not working? (i think it has to be 1.11 not 1.11.2)

Stormbow commented 7 years ago

Right, I have to get a 1.11 client.

ZardosCraft commented 7 years ago

Lol yeah xD

ZardosCraft commented 7 years ago

is it not working?

Stormbow commented 7 years ago

I had to help my dad change his password on his Windows 10 computer. heh

I'll be on the server in a moment.

ZardosCraft commented 7 years ago

Lol ok your good

Stormbow commented 7 years ago

EssentialsX Permission Nodes:

Part 1 - The 'classic' Essentials permissions that EssentialsX inherited.

Part 2 - Some EssentialsX-specific nodes, added after EssentialsX took over the "Essentials" name.

Stormbow commented 7 years ago

EssentialsX Signs Tutorial:

Stormbow commented 7 years ago

PEX Debug Mode:

Stormbow commented 7 years ago

Since we resolved the initial issue(s), I'll close this ticket.

(You can still post here if you need help with PEX stuff.)

ZardosCraft commented 7 years ago

@Stormbow hey again xD I kinda need help...What would be a good kit plugin that works with PEX And EssentialsX? I would use the essentialsX one but you can't set default kits and in my opinion, is kinda hard...Thx xD

ZardosCraft commented 7 years ago

@Stormbow Also how do I make my text a different color (automatically without typing &a, etc before each sentence) with PEX?

Stormbow commented 7 years ago

What would be a good kit plugin that works with PEX And EssentialsX? I would use the essentialsX one but you can't set default kits and in my opinion, is kinda hard...

Actually... You can use EssentialsX to give everyone a special kit the first time they join the server, and it can be some extremely customized stuff with custom name, lore, and enchantments, and you can even give them a server rulebook. It's definitely complicated, but also definitely worth the effort. And why use a different plugin to do what one of your existing plugins can already do? Because Essentials/EssentialsX can do such incredibly, phenomenally amazing kits, I've never looked anywhere else for a kit plugin.

how do I make my text a different color (automatically without typing &a, etc before each sentence) with PEX?

Since this is a chat-related question, it would be handled by your chat plugin— in this case, EssentialsXChat's config.yml file. Skip down to the EssentialsChat section of the file and put the &a color code toward the end of your group-format section. For example, using this guide that contains Owner: '{DISPLAYNAME}&r: {MESSAGE}', we'd change it to Owner: '{DISPLAYNAME}&r: &a{MESSAGE}'.

Stormbow commented 7 years ago

If you want to check out the starter kit I have on my 1.11.2 test server, I can try to get you connected to that. Remember, there's no builds or content really, just a lot of not-really-configured plugins so I can see the config files and help people out with them.

(I haven't even fully transferred my permissions settings from the previous public version of the server, so a lot of stuff may be very dysfunctional.)

ZardosCraft commented 7 years ago

ya sure and thx also in the EssintialsX config.yml I changed the warps to where it takes 5 seconds delay and its not working?

Stormbow commented 7 years ago

You're not OP'd again, are you? LOL

The TP timer is actually being bypassed by your global wildcard permission node. (Remember how I told you - '*' gives you nodes you don't want? This is one of those situations.)

From the Essentials Permission Nodes list:

essentials.teleport.cooldown.bypass - Bypass the teleport cooldown
essentials.teleport.timer.bypass - Bypass the teleport delay
essentials.teleport.timer.move - Allows user to move while tp timer is counting down
ZardosCraft commented 7 years ago

ohh yeah i forgot xD also when i opned by EssentialsXspawn config it gave me this xD

Stormbow commented 7 years ago

Don't open that. The spawn.yml is the only spawn-related file you may want to look inside.

What you opened is a programming file, not a config file you can edit.

ZardosCraft commented 7 years ago

oh ok xD btw i need to be whitelisted on your server

Stormbow commented 7 years ago

Oh. Whoops.

ZardosYT added to whitelist.

I forgot I turned that on.

ZardosCraft commented 7 years ago

Sorry game crashed xD

ZardosCraft commented 7 years ago

ZardosCraft commented 7 years ago

@Stormbow Hi Again, So On Your Test server (Etreon) when your on the server list your has colors and is moving and it looks super cool. How do you do that?

ZardosCraft commented 7 years ago

@Stormbow also how 2 more things xD 1.How do I set a default kit that can be reused ever 2 hours 2.My buy/sell signs arent working i tried the guide you linked me to but still didnt work

ZardosCraft commented 7 years ago

@Stormbow nvm i fixed my signs

Stormbow commented 7 years ago

Hi Again, So On Your Test server (Etreon) when your on the server list your has colors and is moving and it looks super cool. How do you do that?

The Minecraft Tools website can help you with a Custom MotD. :-)

(On a related side-note, to give your server a custom graphic, put a server-icon.png image file that is 64 pixels x 64 pixels in your server's root directory— the same place you find the file.)

How do I set a default kit that can be reused ever 2 hours

This takes a few things being setup in the Essentials\config.yml file, and possibly a rulebook written in the Essentials\book.txt file.

  # Do we want to give users anything on first join? Set to '' to disable
  # This kit will be given regardless of cost, and permissions.
  #kit: ''
  kit: kitnamehereusinglowercase

Then make a kit which can have custom names, lores, enchantments, etc. Follow the Essentials Kits Documentation to make that. The delay: you want to use is 7200, for 2 hours. (2 hours × 60 minutes × 60 seconds = 7200) Item Data Values are used for the items to hand out, and you can use Enchantment IDs instead of names (if you want; you'll be using the "java edition" ID— 3rd column number —for a PC server).

    delay: 7200
      - 256 1 digspeed:3 name:Dwarf's_Shovel lore:Diggy|Diggy|Hole
      - 257 1 efficiency:1 durability:1 fortune:1 name:&4Gigadrill lore:The_drill_that_&npierces|the_heavens
      - 279:780 1 34:3 name:&4Damaged Pickaxe lore:A_damaged|diamond_pickaxe.
      - 364 10 name:Beef_Jerky lore:Some_dried_steak_meat.

(The :780 in 279:780 is how damaged the tool/armor was. Don't set this too high for the material type or the player gets an item that disappears the second they get it!! The 34:3 is Unbreaking 3.) Don't forget to give your players some starting armor, if you're giving them other stuff!

If you want to add a charge to this kit— which I haven't tried —you would look for the "EssentialsEco" section and under command-costs:, list the kit as kit-kitname: 1000 (or whatever you want to charge for it). Be sure starting players have enough money to buy this kit the first time, if you're going to charge for it.

ZardosCraft commented 7 years ago

@Stormbow oh ok thanks! and btw would you happen to know a fix for "<**Owner [Owner]ZardosYT" because i dont want the first owner there it just came out of no where

Stormbow commented 7 years ago

These instructions usually fix it.

ZardosCraft commented 7 years ago

@Stormbow lol thx <3

ZardosCraft commented 7 years ago

@Stormbow wait which part would it be in cause im confused xD

Stormbow commented 7 years ago

It's a short set of instructions. :-P

ZardosCraft commented 7 years ago

@Stormbow ik but im confused because i havent changed the code or did anything and it just started happening and it was working before

ZardosCraft commented 7 years ago

@Stormbow and my "change-displayname:" is true

ZardosCraft commented 7 years ago

@Stormbow btw sorry for such late reply my computer has been acting up :/

ZardosCraft commented 7 years ago

@Stormbow ok everythings messing up now..Some people joined and they are Members and they can do commands that are in their config...

Stormbow commented 7 years ago

ik but im confused because i havent changed the code or did anything and it just started happening and it was working before

Change what is in your file to match the instructions/file excerpt.

they are Members and they can do commands that are in their config...

That's called "working as intended"; they can do what you allowed them to do. O_o

ZardosCraft commented 7 years ago

@Stormbow Lol sorry I meant to type they cant use any permissions

Stormbow commented 7 years ago

Ok, copy your most recent server log and permissions.yml file to Pastebin and tell me exactly who can't do what.

ZardosCraft commented 7 years ago

@Stormbow ok.. Server Log: Permissions.yml: And all the ranks cant do any command (sethome,kit,etc)

Stormbow commented 7 years ago

All your Essentials files are from different versions of "EssentialsX". Delete all of them from your server, then download all the Essentials products you want to use from this page and upload them to your server.

That "version mismatch" is why no one can use the Essentials commands.

And you haven't given out essentials.kit (access to the /kit command) or essentials.kits.kitnamehere to any groups, so even if the Essentials versions issue is fixed, no one will have access to any kits.

Stormbow commented 7 years ago

Oh, and line 94, you have 2 permission nodes on one line.

Line 111: permissions is not a node.

Lines 44, 63, 82: essentials.tjail is not a node.

Essentials Permissions List

ZardosCraft commented 7 years ago

@Stormbow so just delete them?

Stormbow commented 7 years ago

so just delete them?

Lines 111, 44, 63, 82: yes.

Line 94, separate them to their own lines.

ZardosCraft commented 7 years ago

@Stormbow ok i did that but by different versions what do you mean? where would i find the different versions of EssentialsX?