PEXPlugins / PermissionsEx

A powerful permissions plugin for Minecraft
Apache License 2.0
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PEX Back-end Errors #2862

Closed Owez closed 7 years ago

Owez commented 7 years ago

Hi, This is my first post on GitHub so bare with me.

I am making a spigot server on Minecraft 1.12. I am encountering some issues with PEX. It is something to do with permissions on the back-end of Java. At first, I thought it was essentials as it said version mismatch but I fixed that and it did nothing. This is the errors that i am getting (picture):

ws dg ht

When I start my server up, PEX just does not work and does not show prefixes. It just crashes and does not reload or retry. I have cheaked all of my code and I am pretty sure its fine. Code:

     default: true
     rank: 1
     prefix: '[Newcomer] '
     - modifyworld.*
     - essentials.kit
     - essentials.balance
     - essentials.sell
     - essentials.afk
     - essentials.rules
     - essentials.clearinventory
     - essentials.tpa
     - essentials.warp
     - essentials.warp.list

     default: false
     rank: 2
     prefix: '[&cMember&f] '
     - Newcomer
     - essentials.keepxp
     - essentials.back.ondeath
     - essentials.home
     - essentials.delhome
     - essentials.home.bed
     - essentials.tpaall
     - essentials.enderchest
     - essentials.heal

     default: false
     rank: 3
     prefix: '[&cYoutuber&f] '
     - Newcomer
     - Dotator

     default: false
     rank: 10
     prefix: '&d[&1Moderator&d] '
     - Newcomer
     - Dotator
     - essentials.mute.offline
     - essentials.mute
     - essentials.broadcast
     - essentials.clearinventory.others
     - essentials.kick
     - essentials.kill
     - essentials.kill.force
     - essentials.jails
     - essentials.togglejail
     - holograms.list.*
     - holograms.near.*
     - holograms.readtext
     - holograms.reload
     - essentials.invsee
     - essentials.vanis
     - essentials.home.others
     - essentials.warp.*

     default: false
     rank: 11
     prefix: '&d[&aAdmin&d]&f '
      - Newcomer
      - Dotator
      - Moderator
     - holograms.create
     - holograms.delete
     - holograms.teleport
     - holograms.copy
     - essentials.invsee
     - essentials.invsee.*
     - essentials.enderchest.*
     - essentials.kill
     - essentials.socialspy.*
     - essentials.tempban
     - essentials.jail.allow
     - essentials.vanish.*
     - essentials.protect.*

     default: false
     rank: 998
     prefix: '&d[&eCo-CEO&d]&f '
     - '*'

     default: false
     rank: 999
     prefix: '&d[&bCEO&d]&f '
     - '*'

schema-version: 1

    - '*'
    - Owner
      name: raffeey
    - Co-Owner

Thanks in advanced, Jilk Owez

EDIT: Getting code right

] Edit by Stormbow: added code tags around the permissions.yml file contents. [

Stormbow commented 7 years ago

Here are the issues that will need to be corrected:

• There should not be any blank lines in the file.

• I think you misspelled "Donator".

• Many areas of your file have incorrect indentation and all of your groups have rank: values backwards. A rank: 1 is more powerful than a rank: 999.

• Every group must have an inheritance: section on Minecraft 1.9+ servers. (Since you're running 1.12, you should be using PEX 1.23.4 and following this example for indentation and formatting. You don't need to use all of the sections and info in the example, but if you do, the example shows you where it goes.) Since your "Newcomer" group doesn't inherit from any other group, look at line 19 of the example to give that group an "empty" inheritance section.

(If you have any questions about stuff in the example file, definitely ask and I can explain them all to you.)

• "Co-Owner" should be "CoOwner" because some plugins will not recognize "Co-Owner" as a group on the server; they will consider it to be "Co" or "Co-" and permissions won't be processed correctly. (You can keep prefix: '&d[&eCo-CEO&d]&f '.)

• The permission node - '*' should be used with extreme caution because it gives anyone who has it the power to delete groups, essentially destroying the server. It also gives the users in those groups every permission node, including many nodes they do not want (but don't know they don't want yet).

Once all of the above issues have been addressed, post an updated permissions.yml file link (from Pastebin) if you have additional problems.

If the above corrections fixed everything you were concerned about, you can close this ticket below. :-)

Owez commented 7 years ago

Thank you for the help and support. I will try it tonight! Did not know ranks where like that!

Stormbow commented 7 years ago

You're welcome. I'll be here if ya need me after testing. :-)

Owez commented 7 years ago

Ok, I have found out that it is probably not the permissions.yml file but something else. I have de-bugged everything and used a helpful generator ( and made a new file. It keeps spewing out the same messages.

I'm using v1.23.4 and before I changed anything, it was fine. It may be the config file. Here it is:

  use-netevents: true
  debug: false
  allowOps: false
  user-add-groups-last: false
  log-players: true
  createUserRecords: true
  backend: file
    changes: false
  basedir: plugins/PermissionsEx
      type: file
      file: permissions.yml
updater: true
alwaysUpdate: false

Thanks in advance, Jilk Owez

] Edit by Stormbow: Corrected code tag around config.yml file contents. [

Stormbow commented 7 years ago

That generator creates the file incorrectly. The schema-version: 1 line should come before the users: section.

You can try deleting the PermissionsEx\config.yml file and PEX will recreate it. If any change in the file is the cause of the error, letting PEX recreate the file would definitely fix it.

Owez commented 7 years ago

For some reason, it did not work still. I am currently re-downloading pex to see if it is anything like that.

UPDATE: Seems to still be the permissions file. I noticed that bug in the generator too, forgot to edit it when I pasted it.

Stormbow commented 7 years ago

Alright, let's start at the very beginning.

First, copy your entire startup log to Pastebin. That's everything printed to the server console from the moment you start the server until text stops printing to the window and you see a message similar to "Done!". Leave the link generated in this thread.

Next, copy your permissions.yml file to Pastebin. Leave that link in this thread also.

Owez commented 7 years ago

Ok, sorry of the inactivity. Here is the entire logs of my server:

and here is all of my programming:

EDIT: I found something pretty interesting in the middle of the error log:

14:45:01 ========== UNABLE TO LOAD PERMISSIONS BACKEND =========
14:45:01 Your configuration must be fixed before PEX will enable
14:45:01 Details: Error loading permissions file!
14:45:01 =======================================================
Stormbow commented 7 years ago

Try this permissions.yml:

Stormbow commented 7 years ago

No reply in 7 days. I guess all problems were resolved.