PF4Public / gentoo-overlay

Personal Gentoo overlay
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Package http_parser was not found in the pkg-config search path #56

Closed sedimentation-fault closed 3 years ago

sedimentation-fault commented 3 years ago

During merge of electron 9.2.1/9.3.2 I get:

Configuring bundled nodejs... Package http_parser was not found in the pkg-config search path. Perhaps you should add the directory containing `http_parser.pc' to the PKG_CONFIG_PATH environment variable No package 'http_parser' found

What is going on?

PF4Public commented 3 years ago

What is the issue exactly? Please fill in the issue template and provide build logs.

sedimentation-fault commented 3 years ago

The issue is what I wrote - can't you read? I get the error:

######################################### Configuring bundled nodejs... Package http_parser was not found in the pkg-config search path. Perhaps you should add the directory containing `http_parser.pc' to the PKG_CONFIG_PATH environment variable No package 'http_parser' found #############################################

The above is in my build.log. Why? What is "http_parser" exactly? I have all possible http parsers installed and it still complains. Why?

I have installed

dev-python/http-parser net-libs/http-parser

What else does it want from me? Why is it complaining about a missing "http_parser" and why is it telling me to "add the directory containing `http_parser.pc' to the PKG_CONFIG_PATH environment variable"?

PF4Public commented 3 years ago

During merge of electron 9.2.1/9.3.2 I get

Is it not compiling? Please provide the build log.

can't you read

I'm trying being polite real hard, please do not be rude and try my patience.

sedimentation-fault commented 3 years ago

I'm trying being polite real hard, please do not be rude and try my patience.

Me too. Why are you asking "what is the issue exactly", when I just told you what the issue was?

For reasons unknown to me, all Github JS functionality has stopped in my browser. It's not a NoScript issue, as I allow all JS from Github. Thus I cannot upload - I cannot even format my answers using the buttons of the Markdown editor...

Anyway, to answer your question: it compiles. But it complains about "http_parser" and I wanted to know why. Here are the first ~500 or so lines of the build log:

##########################################################  Package: dev-util/electron-9.2.1  Repository: pf4public  Maintainer:  Upstream:  USE: abi_x86_64 amd64 clang cups elibc_glibc kernel_linux l10n_de l10n_el l10n_es l10n_fr l10n_it proprietary-codecs system-ffmpeg system-harfbuzz system-icu system-jsoncpp system-libevent system-libvpx system-openh264 tcmalloc userland_GNU  FEATURES: network-sandbox preserve-libs sandbox splitdebug userpriv usersandbox  Determining the location of the kernel source code  Found kernel source directory:  /usr/src/linux  Found sources for kernel version:  4.19.81-gentoo  Checking for suitable kernel configuration options...  [ ok ]

Unpacking source... Unpacking chromium-83.0.4103.119.tar.xz to /XXX/portage/dev-util/electron-9.2.1/work Unpacking electron-9.2.1.tar.gz to /XXX/portage/dev-util/electron-9.2.1/work Unpacking node-v12.14.1.tar.xz to /XXX/portage/dev-util/electron-9.2.1/work  Disabling dugite  Applying openssl_fips.patch ...  [ ok ]  Applying fix-backport_1042986.patch ... patching file patches/chromium/backport_1042986.patch patch unexpectedly ends in middle of line Hunk #1 succeeded at 159 with fuzz 2.  [ ok ]  Applying fix-a11y_axplatformnodebase.patch ... patching file patches/chromium/a11y_axplatformnodebase_getindexinparent_returns_base_optional.patch patch unexpectedly ends in middle of line Hunk #1 succeeded at 36 with fuzz 1.  [ ok ] Source unpacked in /XXX/portage/dev-util/electron-9.2.1/work Preparing source in /XXX/portage/dev-util/electron-9.2.1/work/chromium-83.0.4103.119 ...  Using python2.7 to build  Applying chromium-fix-char_traits.patch ...  [ ok ]  Applying chromium-blink-style_format.patch ...  [ ok ]  Applying chromium-78-protobuf-export.patch ...  [ ok ]  Applying chromium-79-gcc-alignas.patch ...  [ ok ]  Applying chromium-80-gcc-quiche.patch ...  [ ok ]  Applying chromium-82-gcc-noexcept.patch ...  [ ok ]  Applying chromium-82-gcc-incomplete-type.patch ...  [ ok ]  Applying chromium-82-gcc-template.patch ...  [ ok ]  Applying chromium-82-gcc-iterator.patch ...  [ ok ]  Applying chromium-83-gcc-template.patch ...  [ ok ]  Applying chromium-83-gcc-include.patch ...  [ ok ]  Applying chromium-83-gcc-permissive.patch ...  [ ok ]  Applying chromium-83-gcc-iterator.patch ...  [ ok ]  Applying chromium-83-gcc-serviceworker.patch ...  [ ok ]  Applying chromium-83-gcc-10.patch ...  [ ok ]  Applying chromium-83-icu67.patch ...  [ ok ]  Applying chromium-81-re2-0.2020.05.01.patch ...  [ ok ]  Applying chromium-system-fix-shim-headers-r0.patch ...  [ ok ]  Applying chromium-84-mediaalloc.patch ...  [ ok ]  Applying chromium-system-icu.patch ...  [ ok ]  Applying chromium-system-jsoncpp-r1.patch ... patching file third_party/jsoncpp/ Hunk #1 succeeded at 3 with fuzz 1.  [ ok ]  Applying chromium-system-vpx-r1.patch ...  [ ok ]  Applying patches from electron/patches/node  Applying make_module_globalpaths_a_reference.patch ...  [ ok ]  Applying fix_don_t_create_console_window_when_creating_process.patch ...  [ ok ]  Applying refactor_alter_child_process_fork_to_use_execute_script_with.patch ...  [ ok ]  Applying feat_add_uv_loop_watcher_queue_code.patch ...  [ ok ]  Applying feat_initialize_asar_support.patch ...  [ ok ]  Applying expose_get_builtin_module_function.patch ...  [ ok ]  Applying fix_build_and_expose_inspector_agent.patch ...  [ ok ]  Applying fix_expose_internalcallbackscope.patch ...  [ ok ]  Applying build_add_gn_build_files.patch ...  [ ok ]  Applying fix_export_debugoptions.patch ...  [ ok ]  Applying fix_add_default_values_for_enable_lto_and_build_v8_with_gn_in.patch ...  [ ok ]  Applying feat_add_new_built_with_electron_variable_to_config_gypi.patch ...  [ ok ]  Applying feat_add_flags_for_low-level_hooks_and_exceptions.patch ...  [ ok ]  Applying fix_expose_tracing_agent_and_use_tracing_tracingcontroller_instead.patch ...  [ ok ]  Applying pass_all_globals_through_require.patch ...  [ ok ]  Applying call_process_log_from_fallback_stream_on_windows.patch ...  [ ok ]  Applying fixme_use_redefined_version_of_internalmodulestat.patch ...  [ ok ]  Applying fixme_remove_async_id_assertion_check.patch ...  [ ok ]  Applying fixme_comment_trace_event_macro.patch ...  [ ok ]  Applying fix_key_gen_apis_are_not_available_in_boringssl.patch ...  [ ok ]  Applying fix_do_not_define_debugoptions_s_constructors_in_header.patch ...  [ ok ]  Applying build_modify_js2c_py_to_allow_injection_of_original-fs_and_custom_embedder_js.patch ...  [ ok ]  Applying refactor_allow_embedder_overriding_of_internal_fs_calls.patch ...  [ ok ]  Applying chore_prevent_warn_non_context-aware_native_modules_being_loaded.patch ...  [ ok ]  Applying chore_read_nobrowserglobals_from_global_not_process.patch ...  [ ok ]  Applying build_bring_back_node_with_ltcg_configuration.patch ...  [ ok ]  Applying revert_crypto_add_oaeplabel_option.patch ...  [ ok ]  Applying refactor_transferrablemodule_is_deprecated_use_compiledwasmmodule.patch ...  [ ok ]  Applying enable_31_bit_smis_on_64bit_arch_and_ptr_compression.patch ...  [ ok ]  Applying fix_include_libuv_header_in_node_binding.patch ...  [ ok ]  Applying remove_deprecated_task_api_override_removed_in_latest_v8.patch ...  [ ok ]  Applying remove_serialization_deserialization_of_wasmmoduleobject.patch ...  [ ok ]  Applying 64bit_bump_typedarray_max_length_to_2_32-1_elements.patch ...  [ ok ]  Applying test_use_tmpdir_refresh_in_test-esm-windows_js.patch ...  [ ok ]  Applying override_existing_v8_reallocate.patch ...  [ ok ]  Applying avoid_calling_deprecated_method.patch ...  [ ok ]  Applying remove_deprecated_wasm_module_type_check.patch ...  [ ok ]  Applying fix_don_t_preparemainexecution_twice.patch ...  [ ok ]  Applying win_use_rtlgenrandom_from_advapi32_dll_directly.patch ...  [ ok ]  Applying tools_update_certdata_txt.patch ...  [ ok ]  Applying crypto_update_root_certificates.patch ...  [ ok ]  Applying darwin_work_around_clock_jumping_back_in_time.patch ...  [ ok ]  Applying lib_use_non-symbols_in_isurlinstance_check.patch ...  [ ok ]  Applying patches from electron/patches/skia  Applying backport_1080481.patch ...  [ ok ]  Applying patches from electron/patches/boringssl  Applying expose_ripemd160.patch ...  [ ok ]  Applying expose_aes-cfb.patch ...  [ ok ]  Applying fix_add_RSA-PSS_keygen_functions.patch ...  [ ok ]  Applying patches from electron/patches/v8  Applying add_realloc.patch ...  [ ok ]  Applying build_gn.patch ...  [ ok ]  Applying expose_mksnapshot.patch ...  [ ok ]  Applying dcheck.patch ...  [ ok ]  Applying export_symbols_needed_for_windows_build.patch ...  [ ok ]  Applying workaround_an_undefined_symbol_error.patch ...  [ ok ]  Applying do_not_export_private_v8_symbols_on_windows.patch ...  [ ok ]  Applying revert_cleanup_switch_offset_of_to_offsetof_where_possible.patch ...  [ ok ]  Applying fix_build_deprecated_attirbute_for_older_msvc_versions.patch ...  [ ok ]  Applying backport_1084820.patch ...  [ ok ]  Applying backport_986051.patch ...  [ ok ]  Applying fix_alreadycalled_checking_in_element_closures.patch ...  [ ok ]  Applying patches from electron/patches/ffmpeg  Applying backport_1065731.patch ...  [ ok ]  Applying patches from electron/patches/chromium  Applying add_realloc.patch ...  [ ok ]  Applying build_gn.patch ...  [ ok ]  Applying dcheck.patch ...  [ ok ]  Applying accelerator.patch ...  [ ok ]  Applying blink_file_path.patch ...  [ ok ]  Applying blink_local_frame.patch ...  [ ok ]  Applying blink_world_context.patch ...  [ ok ]  Applying can_create_window.patch ...  [ ok ]  Applying disable_hidden.patch ...  [ ok ]  Applying dom_storage_limits.patch ...  [ ok ]  Applying render_widget_host_view_base.patch ...  [ ok ]  Applying render_widget_host_view_mac.patch ...  [ ok ]  Applying thread_capabilities.patch ...  [ ok ]  Applying webview_cross_drag.patch ...  [ ok ]  Applying disable_user_gesture_requirement_for_beforeunload_dialogs.patch ...  [ ok ]  Applying gin_enable_disable_v8_platform.patch ...  [ ok ]  Applying blink-worker-enable-csp-in-file-scheme.patch ...  [ ok ]  Applying disable-redraw-lock.patch ...  [ ok ]  Applying v8_context_snapshot_generator.patch ...  [ ok ]  Applying boringssl_build_gn.patch ...  [ ok ]  Applying pepper_plugin_support.patch ...  [ ok ]  Applying no_cache_storage_check.patch ...  [ ok ]  Applying blink_fix_prototype_assert.patch ...  [ ok ]  Applying gtk_visibility.patch ...  [ ok ]  Applying sysroot.patch ...  [ ok ]  Applying mas_blink_no_private_api.patch ...  [ ok ]  Applying mas_no_private_api.patch ...  [ ok ]  Applying resource_file_conflict.patch ...  [ ok ]  Applying scroll_bounce_flag.patch ...  [ ok ]  Applying mas-cfisobjc.patch ...  [ ok ]  Applying mas-cgdisplayusesforcetogray.patch ...  [ ok ]  Applying mas-audiodeviceduck.patch ...  [ ok ]  Applying mas_disable_remote_layer.patch ...  [ ok ]  Applying mas_disable_remote_accessibility.patch ...  [ ok ]  Applying mas_disable_custom_window_frame.patch ...  [ ok ]  Applying chrome_key_systems.patch ...  [ ok ]  Applying allow_nested_error_trackers.patch ...  [ ok ]  Applying add_didinstallconditionalfeatures.patch ...  [ ok ]  Applying ssl_security_state_tab_helper.patch ...  [ ok ]  Applying desktop_media_list.patch ...  [ ok ]  Applying proxy_config_monitor.patch ...  [ ok ]  Applying gritsettings_resource_ids.patch ...  [ ok ]  Applying isolate_holder.patch ...  [ ok ]  Applying notification_provenance.patch ...  [ ok ]  Applying content_browser_main_loop.patch ...  [ ok ]  Applying dump_syms.patch ...  [ ok ]  Applying command-ismediakey.patch ...  [ ok ]  Applying tts.patch ...  [ ok ]  Applying printing.patch ...  [ ok ]  Applying verbose_generate_breakpad_symbols.patch ...  [ ok ]  Applying support_mixed_sandbox_with_zygote.patch ...  [ ok ]  Applying fix_disable_usage_of_abort_report_np_in_mas_builds.patch ...  [ ok ]  Applying fix_disable_usage_of_pthread_fchdir_np_and_pthread_chdir_np_in_mas.patch ...  [ ok ]  Applying fix_disable_usage_of_setapplicationisdaemon_and.patch ...  [ ok ]  Applying unsandboxed_ppapi_processes_skip_zygote.patch ...  [ ok ]  Applying patch_the_ensure_gn_version_py_script_to_work_on_mac_ci.patch ...  [ ok ]  Applying build_add_electron_tracing_category.patch ...  [ ok ]  Applying worker_context_will_destroy.patch ...  [ ok ]  Applying fix_breakpad_symbol_generation_on_linux_arm.patch ...  [ ok ]  Applying frame_host_manager.patch ...  [ ok ]  Applying crashpad_pid_check.patch ...  [ ok ]  Applying preconnect_feature.patch ...  [ ok ]  Applying network_service_allow_remote_certificate_verification_logic.patch ...  [ ok ]  Applying put_back_deleted_colors_for_autofill.patch ...  [ ok ]  Applying disable_color_correct_rendering.patch ...  [ ok ]  Applying add_contentgpuclient_precreatemessageloop_callback.patch ...  [ ok ]  Applying picture-in-picture.patch ...  [ ok ]  Applying disable_compositor_recycling.patch ...  [ ok ]  Applying allow_new_privileges_in_unsandboxed_child_processes.patch ...  [ ok ]  Applying expose_setuseragent_on_networkcontext.patch ...  [ ok ]  Applying feat_add_set_theme_source_to_allow_apps_to.patch ...  [ ok ]  Applying revert_cleanup_remove_menu_subtitles_sublabels.patch ...  [ ok ]  Applying export_fetchapi_mojo_traits_to_fix_component_build.patch ...  [ ok ]  Applying add_webmessageportconverter_entangleandinjectmessageportchannel.patch ...  [ ok ]  Applying revert_remove_contentrendererclient_shouldfork.patch ...  [ ok ]  Applying ignore_rc_check.patch ...  [ ok ]  Applying remove_usage_of_incognito_apis_in_the_spellchecker.patch ...  [ ok ]  Applying chore_use_electron_resources_not_chrome_for_spellchecker.patch ...  [ ok ]  Applying add_trustedauthclient_to_urlloaderfactory.patch ...  [ ok ]  Applying feat_allow_disabling_blink_scheduler_throttling_per_renderview.patch ...  [ ok ]  Applying accessible_pane_view.patch ...  [ ok ]  Applying fixme_grit_conflicts.patch ...  [ ok ]  Applying fix_use_the_new_mediaplaypause_key_listener_for_internal_chrome.patch ...  [ ok ]  Applying use_electron_resources_in_pdf_util.patch ...  [ ok ]  Applying hack_plugin_response_interceptor_to_point_to_electron.patch ...  [ ok ]  Applying delay_lock_the_protocol_scheme_registry.patch ...  [ ok ]  Applying fix_route_mouse_event_navigations_through_the_web_contents_delegate.patch ...  [ ok ]  Applying feat_enable_offscreen_rendering_with_viz_compositor.patch ...  [ ok ]  Applying feat_add_support_for_overriding_the_base_spellchecker_download_url.patch ...  [ ok ]  Applying gpu_notify_when_dxdiag_request_fails.patch ...  [ ok ]  Applying feat_allow_embedders_to_add_observers_on_created_hunspell.patch ...  [ ok ]  Applying fix_account_for_print_preview_disabled_when_printing_to_pdf.patch ...  [ ok ]  Applying web_contents.patch ...  [ ok ]  Applying ui_gtk_public_header.patch ...  [ ok ]  Applying layoutng_make_hittestresult_localpoint_for_inline_element.patch ...  [ ok ]  Applying fix-ensure-edit-cmds-to-sent-focused-WebContents.patch ...  [ ok ]  Applying crash_allow_setting_more_options.patch ...  [ ok ]  Applying breakpad_disable_upload_compression.patch ...  [ ok ]  Applying breakpad_treat_node_processes_as_browser_processes.patch ...  [ ok ]  Applying upload_list_add_loadsync_method.patch ...  [ ok ]  Applying breakpad_allow_getting_string_values_for_crash_keys.patch ...  [ ok ]  Applying fix_hunspell_crash.patch ...  [ ok ]  Applying fix_swap_global_proxies_before_initializing_the_windows_proxies.patch ...  [ ok ]  Applying fix_default_to_ntlm_v2_in_network_service.patch ...  [ ok ]  Applying a11y_iterate_all_descendants_for_getselectioncount.patch ...  [ ok ]  Applying a11y_allows_klistboxoption_as_an_item_to_kgroup.patch ...  [ ok ]  Applying fix_handling_non_client_pointer_events_from_pen_on_windows_10.patch ...  [ ok ]  Applying allow_ime_to_insert_zero_length_composition_string.patch ...  [ ok ]  Applying remove_menu_window_task_item.patch ...  [ ok ]  Applying backport_1087629.patch ...  [ ok ]  Applying backport_1065122.patch ...  [ ok ]  Applying backport_1074317.patch ...  [ ok ]  Applying backport_1090543.patch ...  [ ok ]  Applying backport_1081722.patch ...  [ ok ]  Applying backport_1073409.patch ...  [ ok ]  Applying backport_1074340.patch ...  [ ok ]  Applying backport_1016278.patch ...  [ ok ]  Applying backport_1042986.patch ...  [ ok ]  Applying a11y_axplatformnodebase_getindexinparent_returns_base_optional.patch ...  [ ok ]  Applying worker_feat_add_hook_to_notify_script_ready.patch ...  [ ok ]  Applying reconnect_p2p_socket_dispatcher_if_network_service_dies.patch ...  [ ok ]  Applying allow_focus_to_move_into_an_editable_combobox_s_listbox.patch ...  [ ok ]  Applying patches from electron/patches/webrtc  Applying backport_1076703.patch ...  [ ok ]  Applying backport_978779.patch ...  [ ok ]  Applying check_for_null_before_accessing_sctptransport_map.patch ...  [ ok ]  Applying patches from electron/patches/pdfium  Applying backport_1091404.patch ...  [ ok ]  Removing unneeded bundled libraries ...  [ ok ] Source prepared. Configuring source in /XXX/portage/dev-util/electron-9.2.1/work/chromium-83.0.4103.119 ...  Using python2.7 to build  Installing node_modules ... yarn config v1.22.4 success Set "yarn-offline-mirror" to "/XXX/portage/dev-util/electron-9.2.1/distdir". Done in 0.34s. yarn config v1.22.4 success Set "disable-self-update-check" to "true". Done in 0.09s. yarn install v1.22.4 $ node -e 'process.exit(0)' [1/4] Resolving packages... [2/4] Fetching packages... info fsevents@1.2.9: The platform "linux" is incompatible with this module. info "fsevents@1.2.9" is an optional dependency and failed compatibility check. Excluding it from installation. info fsevents@2.1.3: The platform "linux" is incompatible with this module. info "fsevents@2.1.3" is an optional dependency and failed compatibility check. Excluding it from installation. [3/4] Linking dependencies... warning " > eslint-config-standard@12.0.0" has unmet peer dependency "eslint-plugin-promise@>=4.0.0". [4/4] Building fresh packages... Done in 93.79s.  [ ok ]  Enforcing the use of clang due to USE=clang ...  strip-flags: CFLAGS: changed '-march=native -pipe -ftree-vectorize' to '-march=native -pipe'  strip-flags: CPPFLAGS: changed '-march=native -pipe -ftree-vectorize' to '-march=native -pipe'  strip-flags: CXXFLAGS: changed '-march=native -pipe -ftree-vectorize' to '-march=native -pipe'  Building with following compiler settings:  CC = "x86_64-pc-linux-gnu-clang"  CXX = "x86_64-pc-linux-gnu-clang++"  AR = "llvm-ar"  NM = "x86_64-pc-linux-gnu-nm"  RANLIB = ""  CFLAGS = "-march=native -pipe -Wno-unknown-warning-option -Wno-builtin-macro-redefined"  CXXFLAGS = "-march=native -pipe -Wno-unknown-warning-option -Wno-builtin-macro-redefined"  CPPFLAGS = "-march=native -pipe -DDATE= -DTIME= -DTIMESTAMP="  LDFLAGS = "-Wl,--as-needed"  Configuring bundled nodejs... Package http_parser was not found in the pkg-config search path. Perhaps you should add the directory containing `http_parser.pc' to the PKG_CONFIG_PATH environment variable No package 'http_parser' found INFO: configure completed successfully  Configuring Electron... gn gen --args= is_clang=true clang_use_chrome_plugins=false custom_toolchain="//build/toolchain/linux/unbundle:default" host_toolchain="//build/toolchain/linux/unbundle:default" is_debug=false use_allocator="tcmalloc" enable_nacl=false use_system_harfbuzz=true use_gnome_keyring=false closure_compile=false enable_hangout_services_extension=false use_cups=true use_kerberos=false use_pulseaudio=false link_pulseaudio=false use_thin_lto=false thin_lto_enable_optimizations=false optimize_webui=false use_gio=false use_openh264=false use_system_freetype=true use_system_libopenjpeg2=false use_vaapi=false enable_pdf=true use_system_lcms2=true enable_print_preview=true enable_mdns=false enable_mse_mpeg2ts_stream_parser=true enable_nacl_nonsfi=false enable_one_click_signin=false enable_reading_list=false enable_remoting=false enable_service_discovery=false exclude_unwind_tables=true use_official_google_api_keys=false google_api_key="" google_default_client_id="" google_default_client_secret="" safe_browsing_mode=0 use_unofficial_version_number=false blink_symbol_level=0 symbol_level=0 enable_iterator_debugging=false enable_swiftshader=false is_official_build=true use_system_libjpeg=true use_system_zlib=true rtc_build_examples=false fieldtrial_testing_like_official_build=true use_gold=false use_sysroot=false linux_use_bundled_binutils=false use_custom_libcxx=false use_lld=false proprietary_codecs=true ffmpeg_branding="Chrome" target_cpu="x64" treat_warnings_as_errors=false fatal_linker_warnings=false icu_use_data_file=false import("//electron/build/args/") out/Release Done. Made 12426 targets from 2175 files in 11325ms Source configured. Compiling source in /XXX/portage/dev-util/electron-9.2.1/work/chromium-83.0.4103.119 ... * Using python2.7 to build ninja -v -j4 -l0 -C out/Release third_party/electron_node:headers ninja: Entering directory `out/Release' [1/56] ln -f ../../third_party/electron_node/src/js_native_api.h gen/node_headers/include/node/js_native_api.h 2>/dev/null || (rm -rf gen/node_headers/include/node/js_native_api.h && cp -af ../../third_party/electron_node/src/js_native_api.h gen/node_headers/include/node/js_native_api.h) ... ##########################################################################

You can see a few things here:

It complains about

patching file patches/chromium/backport_1042986.patch patch unexpectedly ends in middle of line


patching file patches/chromium/a11y_axplatformnodebase_getindexinparent_returns_base_optional.patch patch unexpectedly ends in middle of line

It also complains about

eslint-config-standard@12.0.0" has unmet peer dependency "eslint-plugin-promise@>=4.0.0"

and about:

Package http_parser was not found in the pkg-config search path

Please note that this is from a run with clang USE flag enabled. But using clang did not work for me, I had to disable it (so it used GCC and I was able to compile it). However, the complaints above are the same both for clang and gcc.

On a side note: the problem I got with clang in the middle of compilation (i.e. after half a wasted day) was:

stl_util.h:587:10: error: "call to function 'EraseIf' that is neither visible in the template definition nor found by argument-dependent lookup"

Now, take all the above into account and add this: due to the hard requirement about icu (i.e. that it's version must be the latest and greatest, namely 67, not 65 that I had), I am coming from a compiling marathon that has lasted a week now, brought all my daily tools upside-down (thunderbird had to be upgraded to a version that is not really compatible with previous ones, as it ditches Enigmail and who knows what else, firefox (which also had to be upgraded to 78.4.0 due to icu) now crashes after the start claiming "channel error" and....and...and...), and you are asking me what the issue is, when I have just spent half a day describing issues - whose patience is hard tried here?

PF4Public commented 3 years ago

There is no issue with http_parser.