PG1003 / dogfood

A tool for building self contained Lua executables
MIT License
31 stars 2 forks source link

Windows build instructions #2

Open MagicD3VIL opened 3 weeks ago

MagicD3VIL commented 3 weeks ago

Hello, could you please share the Windows build project file or at least some build instructions? I tried cross-building using mingw64 from Linux to Windows but to no avail (loading the lua DLL through the resource file does not seem to work correctly for me on MinGW). I also have no idea how to set the project up correctly using Visual Studio's GUI in a Windows VM. Any help would be appreciated!

Cheers and thank you for the project.

MagicD3VIL commented 3 weeks ago

After much trial and error, I finally managed to build dogfood on Windows under Visual Studio. There was so much trial and error, however, that I could not write down the procedure on how to build it myself. I'll leave this issue open as a possible feature request for future documentation.

I'll just note down what I learned on the way, which is that by using the /SUBSYSTEM:WINDOWS /ENTRY:"mainCRTStartup" linker options you can get rid of the ugly black system window showing up on Windows when your Lua program uses some GUI library like wxLua, which is nice.
