PGM-Lab / InferPy

InferPy: Deep Probabilistic Modeling with Tensorflow Made Easy
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tf-probability error using Wishart prior #194

Open doctorwes opened 4 years ago

doctorwes commented 4 years ago

I am having trouble estimating a covariance matrix using a Wishart prior. This may be related to a previously reported issue in tensorflow-probability:

Error message:

InvalidArgumentError: Cholesky decomposition was not successful. The input might not be valid. [[{{node cov_194/log_prob/Cholesky}}]]


def flat_model(mean=mean0, cov=cov0):
    meanrets = inf.Normal(mean0, scale=0.01, name='meanrets')
    cov = inf.Wishart(df=n, scale=cov0, name='cov')
    with inf.datamodel():
        x = inf.MultivariateNormalFullCovariance(loc=meanrets, covariance_matrix=cov, name='x')

def flat_qmodel():
    q_means_loc = inf.Parameter(np.zeros([n]), name='q_means_loc')
    q_means_scale = tf.math.softplus(inf.Parameter(np.ones([n]), name='q_means_scale'))
    qmeans = inf.Normal(q_means_loc, q_means_scale, name='meanrets')  
    q_cov_scale = inf.Parameter(np.diag(n*[1.]), name='q_cov_scale')
    qcov = inf.Wishart(df=n, scale=q_cov_scale, name='cov')```
andresmasegosa commented 4 years ago

There are several issues with the use of Wishart distributions. The first one seems to be the use of float32 precision, then Cholesky decomposition may easily fails,

This code does not raise this error. Note the use of _inf.setfloatx('float64')' to modify the precision. Note also how cov0 is defined as well as the qmodel to guarantee a proper cholesky decomposition of the data.

` import inferpy as inf import tensorflow as tf import tensorflow_probability as tfp import numpy as np


n=10 mean0=np.ones([n]) cov0=np.diag(n*[1.])

@inf.probmodel def flat_model(mean=mean0, cov=cov0): meanrets = inf.Normal(mean, scale=0.01, name='meanrets') cov = inf.Wishart(df=n, scale=cov, name='cov') with inf.datamodel(): x = inf.MultivariateNormalFullCovariance(loc=meanrets, covariance_matrix=cov, validate_args = True, name='x')

@inf.probmodel def flat_qmodel(): q_means_loc = inf.Parameter(np.zeros([n]), name='q_means_loc') q_means_scale = tf.math.softplus(inf.Parameter(np.ones([n]), name='q_means_scale')) qmeans = inf.Normal(q_means_loc, q_means_scale, name='meanrets') q_cov_scale = tf.matrix_diag(tf.math.softplus(inf.Parameter(np.zeros([n])),name='q_cov_scale')) qcov = inf.Wishart(df=n, scale=q_cov_scale, name='cov')

m = flat_model()

data = m.prior().sample(100)["x"] optimizer = tf.train.AdamOptimizer(0.01) VI = inf.inference.VI(flat_qmodel(), optimizer=optimizer, epochs=5000){"x": data}, VI)

m.posterior("meanrets").parameters() m.posterior("cov").parameters() `

Even though it seems the VI algorithm does not converge. This notebook analyze the problem of covariance estimation using a Bayesian approach in detail. By it is really involve and requires of the use of bijectors.

If we find a simpler way to achieve it, we will include it in the documentation.