PGSSoft / terraform-provider-mssql

MS SQL Terraform provider
MIT License
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mssql_sql_login imports have many null fields which are required settings on plan/apply. #122

Open rocky4570 opened 1 year ago

rocky4570 commented 1 year ago

Am using this module with AWS RDS SQL Server and so far seems to work well.

I have setup a map of imported users and plan to manage that when users are added or removed. This would run as a pipeline rather than click-ops.

I now have a problem in that the resource definition mssql_sql_login expects password as required. Importing existing logins does not import all the details, the extract of TF state file after importing example: default language, password, default_database_id are all null.

Is there a mechanism to override the required fields or import the passwords in from the server (unlikely i guess). The import does seem to miss the default_database yet I have seen that information come out of data.mssql_sql_users method.

{ "version": 4, "terraform_version": "1.4.2", "serial": 17, "lineage": "", "outputs": {}, "resources": [ { "mode": "managed", "type": "mssql_sql_login", "name": "logins", "provider": "provider[\"\"]", "instances": [ { "index_key": "", "schema_version": 0, "attributes": { "check_password_expiration": null, "check_password_policy": null, "default_database_id": null, "default_language": null, "id": "0x", "must_change_password": null, "name": "", "password": null, "principal_id": "123" }, "sensitive_attributes": [] } ] } ], "check_results": null }

l33tCod-er commented 8 months ago

Is there any news on this?