Currently the hierarchy function dist_plot always forwards to plotting.dist_plot which computes a histogram of the aggregated particle populations and shows it as a colormap.
This issue is about adding another way, namely a scatter plot like:
Below is a POC code that needs cleaning, in particular we would like to account for various kwargs available in dist_plot in the scatter plot as well.
def scatter_plot(particles, **kwargs):
default_c = {pop: color for pop, color in zip(particles, plt.rcParams['axes.prop_cycle'].by_key()['color'][:len(particles)])}
colors = kwargs.get("colors", default_c)
if "ax" not in kwargs:
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
ax = kwargs["ax"]
fig = ax.figure
for pop in particles:
x_ = particles[pop].x
v_ = particles[pop].v[:,0]
im = ax.scatter(x_, v_, s=kwargs.get("s", 0.01), c=colors[pop])
def dist_plot(self, **kwargs):
plot phase space of a particle hierarchy
import copy
from pyphare.pharesee.plotting import dist_plot as dp
#### from .plotting import scatter_plot as sp
usr_lvls = kwargs.get("levels", (0,))
finest = kwargs.get("finest", False)
pops = kwargs.get("pop", [])
time = kwargs.get("time", self.times()[0])
axis = kwargs.get("axis", ("Vx", "Vy"))
all_pops = list(self.level(0, time).patches[0].patch_datas.keys())
plot_type=kwargs.get("plot_type", "pcolor")
if finest:
final = finest_part_data(self)
final = {pop: None for pop in all_pops}
for lvl_nbr, level in self.levels(time).items():
if lvl_nbr not in usr_lvls:
for ip, patch in enumerate(level.patches):
if len(pops) == 0:
pops = list(patch.patch_datas.keys())
for pop in pops:
tmp = copy.copy(patch.patch_datas[pop].dataset)
if final[pop] is None:
final[pop] = tmp
if plot_type == "pcolor":
vmin = kwargs.get("vmin", -2)
vmax = kwargs.get("vmax", 2)
dv = kwargs.get("dv", 0.05)
vbins = vmin + dv * np.arange(int((vmax - vmin) / dv))
if finest:
if axis[0] == "x":
xbins = amr_grid(self, time)
bins = (xbins, vbins)
bins = (vbins, vbins)
kwargs["bins"] = bins
if "select" in kwargs:
for pop, particles in final.items():
final[pop] = kwargs["select"](particles)
if plot_type == "pcolor":
return final, dp(final, **kwargs)
elif plot_type == "scatter":
return final, sp(final, **kwargs)
Currently the hierarchy function
always forwards toplotting.dist_plot
which computes a histogram of the aggregated particle populations and shows it as a colormap.This issue is about adding another way, namely a scatter plot like:
Below is a POC code that needs cleaning, in particular we would like to account for various kwargs available in dist_plot in the scatter plot as well.