PHARTGAMES / SpaceMonkey

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NASCAR Heat 5 not initializing #45

Open Zaldavar opened 7 months ago

Zaldavar commented 7 months ago

Recently purchased simulator from DOF Reality. SimRacingStudio 2.0 states in order to use Nascar Heat 5 I need Space Monkey as an interface for the telemetry. I loaded Space Monkey, loaded Nascar Heat 5 via Steam, and selected Nascar Heat 5 on the Space Monkey menu while running as Administrator (see pics). The Monster Games UI opens up and states, "Waiting for Telemetry." However, no matter how long I wait, nothing happens. I tried playing Nascar Heat 5 also during this time. Still nothing. I clicked Initialize, and still nothing. Tried changing the outputs and still no change. Any help you can provide would be much appreciated! I now have a pricey simulator that I cannot get working with this game! Running W11 pro on PC.

Space Monkey Monster Game UI Initialize

houstonderk commented 6 months ago

Pretty sure the one guy that worked on this spacemonkey is either just done or holding out for something more to start working on it again. A few other games are doing the same thing and the people at DOF reality don't care to work it either.