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RECAST: a model for a universal analysis interface? #4

Open seneubert opened 7 years ago

seneubert commented 7 years ago

The RECAST project is an effort by the HEP community to enable the re-analysis of LHC data with updated BSM models. It is currently being redesigned an upgraded in the framework of the CERN analysis preservation project

An interesting approach taken by RECAST is, that it provides a very generic interface for phenomenologists to upload a new model, they would like to propose to be tested on the data. The decision to rerun an analysis remains with the experimental collaboration.

Maybe this is an interesting model for hadron spectroscopy?

Attached is a slide by @lukasheinrich highlighting this concept, which he presented a the LHCb analysis preservation hackathon.


lukasheinrich commented 7 years ago

happy to add more detail if people are interested (as is @cranmer, i'm sure)

cranmer commented 7 years ago

FYI, I was invited to present Recast to "Trends in Nuclear Physics Computing" at Jefferson Lab

also, talk by Lukas at CHEP

seneubert commented 7 years ago

Hey @lukasheinrich @cranmer ,

I would like to have a blog-post on RECAST for the PHASE website. Could you help me with this? Maybe you already have a text I could use for that?
