PHI-base / phipo

Pathogen-Host Interaction Phenotype Ontology
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Implement obsolescence reason for other obsoletions #224

Open ValWood opened 4 years ago

ValWood commented 4 years ago


IAO has the following obsolescence reasons:

failed exploratory term other placeholder removed term imported term split terms merged I'm interested in the reason 'failed exploratory term' (IAO:0000103); maybe that could apply to many of PHIPO's obsolete terms?

ValWood commented 4 years ago

what does "failed exploratory term" mean?

@jseager7 IAO defines the term as follows: The term was used in an attempt to structure part of the ontology but in retrospect failed to do a good job

CuzickA commented 4 years ago

@jseager7 is there a way to add the reason for the obsolescene to the term being obsoleted in Protege?

jseager7 commented 4 years ago

It's probably going to be faster to template the terms in with ROBOT, so I've made a spreadsheet that we can use to assign a reason to each obsolete term first. I'll probably add IAO to our list of imports as well, so we'll see more than just the IAO term IDs on the annotations.