PHI-base / phipo

Pathogen-Host Interaction Phenotype Ontology
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NTRs: 'presence of pathogen induced host DNA synthesis' and 'decreased pathogen induced host DNA synthesis' #373

Closed CuzickA closed 1 year ago

CuzickA commented 1 year ago


Preferred term label

presence of pathogen induced host DNA synthesis


Textual definition

A pathogen host interaction phenotype in which host DNA synthesis occurs during pathogen infection (GO:0090592 DNA synthesis involved in DNA replication).

Suggested parent term

pathogen modulation of host metabolic process phenotype


CuzickA commented 1 year ago

Preferred term label decreased pathogen induced host DNA synthesis

Textual definition A pathogen host interaction phenotype in which the host DNA synthesis during pathogen infection occurs to a lesser extent than normal (GO:0090592 DNA synthesis involved in DNA replication).

Suggested parent term pathogen modulation of host metabolic process phenotype


CuzickA commented 1 year ago

I have placed these terms here image