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Pathogen-Host Interaction Phenotype Ontology
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NTRs: resistance to / sensitive to / normal growth on zoxamide #404

Closed CuzickA closed 11 months ago

CuzickA commented 11 months ago


Preferred term label

normal growth on zoxamide

Textual definition

A growth phenotype which describes the absence of change of individuals or populations after exposure to zoxamide (i.e. indistinguishable from wild type).

Suggested parent term

normal growth on chemical


CuzickA commented 11 months ago

Preferred term label resistance to zoxamide

Textual definition A growth phenotype which describes the resistance of individuals or populations after exposure to zoxamide. Typically, organisms are deemed resistant to a chemical if they survive at a concentration of the chemical that does not allow wild type individuals or populations to grow.

Suggested parent term increased resistance to chemical


CuzickA commented 11 months ago

Preferred term label sensitive to zoxamide

Textual definition A growth phenotype which describes the sensitivity of individuals or populations after exposure to zoxamide. Typically, organisms are deemed sensitive to a chemical if they stop growing (and may die) at a concentration of the chemical that allows wild type individuals or populations to grow.

Suggested parent term increased sensitivity to chemical
