PHOENIX-MEDIA / Magento-PageCache-powered-by-Varnish

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<esi Form Key/> Not being converted to a proper form key #30

Open jonathonbyrdziak opened 9 years ago

jonathonbyrdziak commented 9 years ago

I've looked through all of your documentation and your issues and I can't seem to understand this problem. I'm posting my issue here as a sort of walkthrough to find the answer, if anybody has any input while I figure this out, please share.

The Problem

The <esi:include src='' /> string is not being properly interpreted by Varnish on my setup. I should say, that it's being interpreted properly in some locations, but not others.


Related Issues

I've looked at the other issues which you have in this git issue system and they are not the same. The following issues reference that the form key is breaking their website and the solution to their problems is the quotation marks being wrong.

My problem differs in that the quotation marks have been done properly and the page passes w3 parsing standards. As I mentioned, the form key has been properly parsed in the past, and in some locations it works perfectly.

Here are the other issues, which mention the same problem, but have a different solution:

  1. Issue #24
  2. Issue #21
  3. Issue #17

    Possible Cause

I'm assuming that the page headers are wrong and therefore varnish doesn't know that it needs to punch a hole in the cache. I'm going to look into the page headers some more and let you know what I find.

If you have information and would like to contact me, please email me through my Magento Developer website.

bbredewold commented 9 years ago

Stange enough, when disabling the plugin, this error still exists...

maciekpaprocki commented 8 years ago

I Have this same issue. After uninstalling still doesn't work(cache cleared). Magento installation is almost empty/new so I don't see anything else that could create the problem.

Best regards Maciej Paprocki

diegoborba commented 8 years ago

I have the problem only on cart page. In the form: checkout/cart/updatePost/ The Refresh button and remove not working.

The other pages that use the form_key, are working.

diegoborba commented 8 years ago

I solved the problem here!

Try the following:

Copy the files vars.vcl and default_3.0.vcl directory: app/code/community/Phoenix/VarnishCache/etc

To the path /etc/varnish

Rename default_3.0.vcl to default.vcl

restart services and clear caches.

By doing so, the cart page corrected the form_key

maciekpaprocki commented 8 years ago

Apparently after switching off extension and reindexing issues stops showing. Just note for the people trying to get rid of issue.