PHOENIX-MEDIA / Magento-PageCache-powered-by-Varnish

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/varnishcachekey/getformkey/ URLENCODED #35

Open jtsSTECH opened 9 years ago

jtsSTECH commented 9 years ago

Having a weird/random issue where the getformkey is showing up urlencoded.

For instance if you went directly to this url after the issue occurs

You would get: %3Cesi%3Ainclude%20src%3D%27http%3A//

Something is URL encoding that url and its sporadic.

Update: For some reason, it seems specific to just Macs. I'm not sure why that would happen just on that platform though (Cookies are set properly in Chrome, but not FF or Safari)

Update2: I can replicate the formkey cookie getting corrupted on a MAC On a Mac I can always replicate this by going directly to the CLONE server. Check your Cookies in Firebug. Watch the "PAGECACHE_FORMKEY" as this is what is used in the /varnishcache/getformkey/ 1.) Clear ALL Cookies. 2.) Goto homepage 3.) Add product to cart. From Cart "Proceed to Checkout ". 4.) On checkout page, clear all cookies again then hit refresh. 5.) You'll see that the cookie is corrupted: PAGECACHE_FORMKEY=%3Cesi%3Ainclude%20src%3D%27http%3A//; expires=Sun, 19 Jul 2015 16:27:51 GMT; path=/;

I have tried doing all of the edits to Esi.php and the formkey.phtml, but none of them worked. Any insight into this would be greatly appreciated.