PHOENIX-MEDIA / Magento-PageCache-powered-by-Varnish

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Enterprise Product Save Not Purging #56

Open jtsSTECH opened 7 years ago

jtsSTECH commented 7 years ago

When we save a product, the product page is never purged in varnish.

If you go to Phoenix/VarnishCache/Model/Control/Catalog/Product.php and print out the collection select in _purgeByIds(), you get something simliar to: SELECT main_table.* FROM core_url_rewrite AS main_table WHERE (id_path IN ("product/1669")) OR (id_path LIKE "product/1669/%")

The "core_url_rewrite" table isn't used anymore in EE versions and the table should be "enterprise_url_rewrite". Is there a setting somewhere to configure it to use this table?