PHP-DI / Slim-Bridge

PHP-DI integration with the Slim framework
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Custom implementation of CallableResolver breaks deferred middleware #51

Closed shadowhand closed 2 years ago

shadowhand commented 4 years ago

Assuming that MyMiddleware implements MiddlewareInterface, it should be possible to do:


However, this breaks completely because the CallableResolver that is injected by Bridge::create() doesn't do any of the extra processing that Slim's does to handle middleware using the advanced callable resolver.

mnapoli commented 4 years ago

Thanks for the report.

Could you detail what is the extra-processing that is missing? (the line you pointed to doesn't make it obvious to me) Do we need to implement AdvancedCallableResolverInterface?

shadowhand commented 4 years ago

@mnapoli sure thing.

CallableResolver is used for two different things in Slim:

  1. In routing, to determine how to invoke the target of a route. This is the part that Slim-Bridge cares about.
  2. In middleware dispatching, to determine how to call a middleware. This the part that Slim-Bridge has inadvertently broken.

When calling add($middleware), if the middleware is an object, no problem. If the middleware is already callable, no problem. If the middleware is a string, it gets more complicated. In particular, this check for AdvancedCallableResolverInterface allows for specific detection of MiddlewareInterface, by creating an assumption that the given string is a classname, with a process() method.

Implementing AdvancedCallableResolverInterface seems like it would solve this problem.

However, I don't really understand why CallableResolver is replaced at all... just to provide Invoker capabilities for middleware? I personally don't need, or want that functionality. The routing strategy in ControllerInvoker is enough for my use cases.

shadowhand commented 4 years ago

As an aside, I feel like Slim (and by extension, Slim Bridge) has gotten overly complicated. Instead of just embracing PSR-15, we have this legacy "callable but maybe not" logic all over the place.

gravataLonga commented 3 years ago

This issue is still open and still is a BIG issue. Because make impossible to use Middleware on slim 4.

dakujem commented 3 years ago

Just to make it clear, it is very much possible to use middleware on Slim ...

// instead of
// do this

Don't always rely on magic.

P.S.: If you want to make the middleware lazy loaded, try this approach:

$slim->add(new GenericMiddleware(function(Request $request, Handler $next) use($container): Response {
    $mw = $container->get(Middleware::class);
    return $mw->process($request, $next);

(see this package or use your own implementation)

Edit: in fact, you don't even need the GenericMiddleware with Slim, an anonymous function will do.

gravataLonga commented 3 years ago

@dakujem yes i know that is possible. Find funny when people use word "magic" for describing something. Sometime when you use the word magic is because we can't understand what is doing under the hood. So, my point is, if this is "magic" then we need to remove and convert in more ease way... What's is the point of use ->add(Middleware::class) if i can't understand? Or it's too "magic" ?

Programming must be fun and simples!

dakujem commented 3 years ago

I did not mean it disrespectfully.

By "magic" I mean something that makes your dev life easier, but usually comes at cost. Transparency and flexibility are the most frequent tradeoff.

gravataLonga commented 3 years ago

@dakujem sorry, if i sound "arrogant" but i'm not english native. But yeah, i'm agree with you. I prefered transparency and flexibility over "magic".

jamesrweb commented 3 years ago

@mnapoli sure thing.

CallableResolver is used for two different things in Slim:

  1. In routing, to determine how to invoke the target of a route. This is the part that Slim-Bridge cares about.
  2. In middleware dispatching, to determine how to call a middleware. This the part that Slim-Bridge has inadvertently broken.

When calling add($middleware), if the middleware is an object, no problem. If the middleware is already callable, no problem. If the middleware is a string, it gets more complicated. In particular, this check for AdvancedCallableResolverInterface allows for specific detection of MiddlewareInterface, by creating an assumption that the given string is a classname, with a process() method.

Implementing AdvancedCallableResolverInterface seems like it would solve this problem.

However, I don't really understand why CallableResolver is replaced at all... just to provide Invoker capabilities for middleware? I personally don't need, or want that functionality. The routing strategy in ControllerInvoker is enough for my use cases.

I would also add that we should try to have the bridge not change default slim usage or at least document the issue clearly.

Even if documentation existed, I think that using $container->get(...) on every middleware call is awkward, especially when default slim can just resolve the middleware with MyMiddleware::class by default anyway and is documented as doing so in the framework docs.

This issue tripped me up for some time before finding this thread a while ago and almost made me uninstall the bridge and make something custom which would have been silly now that I know the issue but even still, it feels like this is unexpected behaviour since the bridge should be able to be built and then used like a normal slim app therein.

gravataLonga commented 3 years ago

@jamesrweb yeah, in order to use Slim Bridge you need to resolve your self middleware from container before putting on middleware.

shadowhand commented 3 years ago

@gravataLonga sometimes that is really problematic. For instance, if a middleware creates an object from data in the request and puts it into the container. Such object creation may not be entirely ideal, but sometimes it is necessary.

The Slim-Bridge fundamentally changes Slim functionality by preventing the usage of middleware as class strings to support invoker features. This is not clearly documented and, in my opinion, not necessary. The only time this is useful is when using anonymous functions as route handlers.

gravataLonga commented 3 years ago

@shadowhand yeah i know and know your pain, i'm not maintainer of this package FYI. Still wait for good solution for this.

kakenbok commented 3 years ago

workaround used in our projects:


namespace MyProject\DI;

use Invoker\CallableResolver as InvokerCallableResolver;
use Psr\Container\ContainerInterface;
use Slim\CallableResolver as SlimCallableResolver;
use Slim\Interfaces\AdvancedCallableResolverInterface;

class CallableResolver implements AdvancedCallableResolverInterface
    private $callableResolver;
    private $slimCallableResolver;

    public function __construct(ContainerInterface $container)
        $this->callableResolver = new InvokerCallableResolver($container);
        $this->slimCallableResolver = new SlimCallableResolver($container);

    public function resolve($toResolve): callable
        return $this->callableResolver->resolve($toResolve);

    public function resolveRoute($toResolve): callable
        return $this->resolve($toResolve);

    public function resolveMiddleware($toResolve): callable
        return $this->slimCallableResolver->resolveMiddleware($toResolve);


use MyProject\DI\CallableResolver;
use Slim\Factory\AppFactory;
use Slim\Interfaces\CallableResolverInterface;

class MyAppFactory {
    public static function createSlimApp(ContainerInterface $container)
        $callableResolver = new CallableResolver($container);
        $container->set(CallableResolverInterface::class, $callableResolver);
        return AppFactory::createFromContainer($container);
dakujem commented 3 years ago

I fail to understand what the struggle here is.

How simple it is to use the middleware like this, if the bridge does not work for you?

                Request $request,
                Handler $next,
            ): Response => $slim->getContainer()->get(MyMiddleware::class)->process($request, $next)

It's easy to create a reusable function that does this for you (you can place it into a class obviously):

        $mwLazy = function (string $className) use ($slim): callable {
            return fn(
                Request $request,
                Handler $next,
            ): Response => $slim->getContainer()->get($className)->process($request, $next);


Or If the power of the advanced resolved is desired, why not create it yourself?

        $mwResolver = fn(
            string|MiddlewareInterface $middleware
        ): MiddlewareInterface => (new \Slim\CallableResolver($slim->getContainer()))->resolve($middleware);


@kakenbok above provided a viable solution that wraps the functionality of both the DI-bridge and the original Slim resolver. That is the most advanced solution you can use if you can manage the bootstrapping. 💪

gravataLonga commented 3 years ago

@dakujem the problem is this library don't preserver behavior of slim that is descrive here:

If i have more time will try to explain more later.

danae commented 3 years ago

I stumbled upon this issue as well in my current project, and I adapted @kakenbok's code to a pull request which could hopefully fix this issue.

Rarst commented 3 years ago

I fail to understand what the struggle here is.

The struggle is that the feature that works in Slim is broken by Bridge.

That is a concrete problem, regardless of opinions on magic of the feature itself and workarounds for it.

Rarst commented 3 years ago

I opened an issue upstream as well, because arguably if the intent is to let a resolver throw an exception and proceed to fallback code then it should handle this case without issue.

The problem is Invoker exception being thrown isn't caught upstream because it doesn't extend RuntimeException expected there.

Rarst commented 3 years ago

I poked through the code some more and I think it's not just that resolving middleware is broken, it's that Slim and Bridge callable resolution had significantly diverged in what they consider a valid input and result.

Whether one sees that as Bridge breaking Slim or Bridge improving Slim is matter of point of view.

The question is, does Bridge intend to be incompatible with Slim on this?

If the answer is "no", then Bridge's callable resolution needs to be rewritten to be a superset of Slim's, not a competing alternative.

If the answer is "yes", some doc updates are probably in order to emphasize incompatibility.

mnapoli commented 3 years ago

@Rarst this is an excellent summary.

The thing is that this bridge has existed for a while, across multiple Slim versions. Slim introduced a notation (class:method) that ended up diverging from the PHP-DI notation.

So far, the Slim notation is not supported by this bridge (in controllers). Regarding middleware, I think the bridge should be consistent with controllers.

If the answer is "yes", some doc updates are probably in order to emphasize incompatibility.

That might be worth indeed.

Rarst commented 3 years ago

I don't think anyone is especially "at fault" here, just that two projects ended up falling out of sync. :)

Personally I would prefer a superset rebuild, if you are open to it I can try find time to contribute that?

Otherwise I would also encourage to let user decide which resolution logic they want when using Bridge. Bridge::create() currently has it hardcoded, I don't see a way to override or decorate resolver.

Rarst commented 3 years ago

Having figured out what the differences are, this should work with Bridge to add and resolve PSR middleware from a class name (array syntax causes deprecation notices since something tries to call it as static method):

$app->add(Middleware::class . '::process');
jamesrweb commented 3 years ago

Having figured out what the differences are, this should work with Bridge to add and resolve PSR middleware from a class name (array syntax causes deprecation notices since something tries to call it as static method):

$app->add(Middleware::class . '::process');

A valid PSR15 middleware being added via $app->add(Middleware::class) should just work though just like regular slim and we shouldn't need to add magic strings as decoration, that's a code smell and is why it should be avoided IMO.

mnapoli commented 3 years ago

Personally I would prefer a superset rebuild, if you are open to it I can try find time to contribute that?

That could be an interesting possibility. The main thing I would worry about is making sure that we don't loose anything from the current implementation, i.e. all these things work:

If you are interested I'd love to see that, ideally I'd love to involve 1 person (besides me) to maintain this package.

Rarst commented 3 years ago

PRed a little more backwards compatible take on bringing these things back to parity with Slim in #71, testing/feedback welcomed. :)

jamesrweb commented 3 years ago

Both #70 and #71 look like good options @mnapoli, can someone "official" do a review on both and make a decision which direction is favored by the DI group?

shadowhand commented 3 years ago

I really like the simplicity of #70.

strorch commented 3 years ago

please do #70.

solventt commented 3 years ago

Yes, it's actual problem

solventt commented 2 years ago

Guys, I've solved the problem. You can choose 3 ways:

1) This package (php-di/bridge) has the php-di/Invoker dependency - exactly it breakes the PSR-15 middleware resolving. To fix it - add:

if ($callable instanceof MiddlewareInterface) {
    return fn ($request, $next) => $callable->process($request, $next);

to the resolve method of the Invoker\CallableResolverclass. The complete code should look like the following:

public function resolve($callable): callable
        if (is_string($callable) && strpos($callable, '::') !== false) {
            $callable = explode('::', $callable, 2);

        $callable = $this->resolveFromContainer($callable);

        if (! is_callable($callable)) {

            // new code
            if ($callable instanceof MiddlewareInterface) {
                return fn ($request, $next) => $callable->process($request, $next);

            throw NotCallableException::fromInvalidCallable($callable, true);

        return $callable;

Also I sent a pull-request with this correction to the php-di/Invoker package.

BUT I don't recommend to use this way and this package for one important reason - It decrease performance. The point is that the call method of the Invoker\Invoker class contains:

if ($this->callableResolver) {
    $callable = $this->callableResolver->resolve($callable);

But there is no need to invoke the resolve method of the callableResolver because the handle method of the Slim\Routing\Route class already contains:

$callable = $this->callableResolver->resolve($this->callable);

and then passes the resolved $callable to the user's route strategy as an argument:

return $strategy($callable, $request, $response, $this->arguments);

The $strategy is exactly the DI\Bridge\Slim\ControllerInvoker class offered by the php-di/slim-bridge package. As a result, it turns out that this package does not take into account the architecture of the Slim framework and thus duplicates the routing code from the Slim.

2) You can use my component written for the Slim microframework - The package has detailed documentation, in particular the Use cases section.

3) Also you can write your own route strategy for the Slim. About the invocation strategy you can read in the Slim docs. But it requires you to learn the Slim internals.

gravataLonga commented 2 years ago

What is state of this issue? Still deciding which solution is best? Love to know if I can help

jamesrweb commented 2 years ago

@gravataLonga there have been at least 3 solutions contributed and proposed but we need a maintainer such as @mnapoli to actually decide on one option that works best for the eco system and merge. Basically just waiting for that.

mnapoli commented 2 years ago

Can I get 1 or 2 confirmation that is good for you?

Just to be clear, please don't review #71 and nitpick on formatting or other things like that (the PR has been opened for a while and I would understand that the author may not be around to update it).

I'm just trying to make sure that #71 is an acceptable solution. If it is, I can merge and release.

gravataLonga commented 2 years ago

@mnapoli yeah, I think #71 is best option, because BC compatibility.

jamesrweb commented 2 years ago

The other option is from @solventt which would also work nicely IMO since it addresses topics upstream too.

I'm ok with anything that fixes the issue but I'd also like it to be a considered fix from the maintainer side and not just a "that one will do" choice.

I trust @mnapoli to choose the right PR for the ecosystem and if #71 is it, I'm on board. 🚀

Rarst commented 2 years ago

the PR has been opened for a while and I would understand that the author may not be around to update it

Am around, if any tweaks needed. :)

mnapoli commented 2 years ago

Thank you all, and @Rarst!

I've tagged

solventt commented 2 years ago

@mnapoli There is a big problem - AdvancedCallableResolver will be removed in Slim 5 (see issue). So the merge you have done will soon become obsolete.

And the performance problem I described above still remains.

jamesrweb commented 2 years ago

@mnapoli There is a big problem - AdvancedCallableResolver will be removed in Slim 5 (see issue). So the merge you have done will soon become obsolete.

And the performance problem I described above still remains.

Oh, that's a very good point for consideration actually!

Rarst commented 2 years ago

There is a big problem - AdvancedCallableResolver will be removed in Slim 5 (see issue). So the merge you have done will soon become obsolete.

That's not what the comment is saying exactly, and I don't think Slim 5 development has even started at this point (there are no issues or branch open).

And the performance problem I described above still remains.

There is a certain amount of duplication, because (as per issue you linked) it didn't quite came out "perfect" upstream and had to be evolved within backwards compatibility of major version.

When you say "performance problem" do you mean actual measurable regression in profiling or just that there is some code duplication going on?

solventt commented 2 years ago


That's not what the comment is saying exactly

A quote from the issue: "Ultimately in Slim 5 we should get rid of AdvancedCallableResolver and unify the 2." AdvancedCallableResolver was introduced as a temporary measure not to break backward compatibility in Slim 4. In Slim 5 there will be one unified resolver instead of two. You can correct me if I misunderstood something.

I don't think Slim 5 development has even started at this point (there are no issues or branch open).

Its not excluded. But in the PR one of the authors of Slim told me: "We won't be able to merge this until we bump PHP lowest version support to 7.4 in about a month unfortunately". Now Slim version is 4.9.0. Do you think changing the lowest version of php will be released in the patch version? But I don't rule anything out here either.

When you say "performance problem" do you mean actual measurable regression in profiling or just that there is some code duplication going on?

Of course I didnt benchmark performance but if you did, we'd love to see it. This is just my opinion. And this duplication is not a simple code, but the functionality of Slim: $this->callableResolver->resolve($callable) is called twice (first in Slim\Routing\Route and then in Invoker\Invoker). And then resolveFromContainer($callable) / $this->container->get($callable) again.

And the maintainer of this package told me: "I don't think this might be the right approach since it introduces a special behavior for a PSR class. The Invoker tries to stay generic, we don't really want a if for a specific class in there".

Judging by his words, he is concerned about the quality of organization of the code. And it seemed to me that the duplication of Slim functionality he may also consider as not a very acceptable thing.

Rarst commented 2 years ago

In Slim 5 there will be one unified resolver instead of two.

My point was that it's less "this interface is gone and supporting it is moot" more "things will evolve in some way in next major version eventually". Even if the name of advanced interface is retired, I would expect the functionality be in line with it, rather than regress to an earlier state. In a nutshell, Bridge is quite involved customization and it will have to adapt to any major Slim release in a ways that are hard to predict.

Of course I didnt benchmark performance but if you did, we'd love to see it.

Not this specifically, but this hadn't raised any performance concerns for me. Just clarifying if this had been a performance problem for you, or you just consider it could be more optimal/fast. I consider those to be two different classes of an issue. :)

Do you think changing the lowest version of php will be released in the patch version? But I don't rule anything out here either.

Dependency updates do not enforce a major version bump in semver, however I am not involved in development and what they plan to do. I'd be surprised to see a major Slim version with only PHP dependency changed.

In a nutshell, yes this will all probably will have to be revisited for Slim 5 regardless, no it's probably not any time soon.

solventt commented 2 years ago


In a nutshell, Bridge is quite involved customization and it will have to adapt to any major Slim release in a ways that are hard to predict.

This is one of the reasons why I recommended above to write your own route strategy (see Slim docs) - this is the best solution in this situation, that's what I did. The route strategy is Slim's native tool for providing functionality, which this package also provides.

mnapoli commented 2 years ago

@solventt let's leave it at that please, this discussion is pinging 10 different people.

If anyone sees performance issues, please detail them with numbers. Anything else isn't useful.

In Slim 5, things will change. That's a given. We can't support Slim 5 until we know what it will be.