PHPCSStandards / PHPCSExtra

A collection of code standards for use with PHP_CodeSniffer
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Problem with NormalizedArrays.Arrays.CommaAfterLast in some cases #283

Closed stronk7 closed 10 months ago

stronk7 commented 10 months ago

Bug Description

The NormalizedArrays.Arrays.CommaAfterLast does its job pretty well. But there is a case that is hitting us a lot (because of our own coding standard explicitly allowing it), and that I think that can be hitting others out there too.

Right now we support all these arrays as valid:

$a = [1, 2, 3, 4]; // Normal mono-line.
$a = [
]; // Normal multi-line
$a = [1, 2,
    3, 4]; // Multi-multi line with same line closer (to call it some way).
$a = [
    1, 2,
    3, 4,
]; // Multi-multi line with closer apart (also to call it some way).

And the Sniff is working ok for all the cases but the 3rd one. And it seems logic not to require a comma there, because, if there are new items to be added to the array later, the line is going to change, yes or yes (the closer will need to be moved.

Given the following reproduction Scenario

Ensure that "Multi-multi line with same line closer " cases don't require a comma.

The issue happens when running this command:

vendor/bin/phpcs --standard=NormalizedArrays --sniffs=NormalizedArrays.Arrays.CommaAfterLast test.php

... over a file containing this code:


$a = [1, 2,
    3, 4];

$a = [1 => 1, 2 => 2,
    3 => 3, 4 => 4];

$a = [1 => [1 => 1,
    2 => 2,
    3 => 3,
    4 => 4,
], 5 => 5];

$a = [1 => [1 => 1,
    2 => 2,
    3 => 3,
    4 => 4],
5 => 5];

I'd expect the following behaviour

No errors are reported.

Instead this happened

Five errors are reported.

  4 | ERROR | [x] There should be a comma after the last array item in a multi-line array.
  7 | ERROR | [x] There should be a comma after the last array item in a multi-line array.
 13 | ERROR | [x] There should be a comma after the last array item in a multi-line array.
 18 | ERROR | [x] There should be a comma after the last array item in a multi-line array.
 19 | ERROR | [x] There should be a comma after the last array item in a multi-line array.


Environment Answer
PHP version Any
PHP_CodeSniffer version 3.7.2
PHPCSExtra version 1.1.1
PHPCSUtils version 1.0.8
Install type Normal composer, used by our standard

Additional Context (optional)

This was originally reported for us @ And this change seems to fix the problem:

diff --git a/NormalizedArrays/Sniffs/Arrays/CommaAfterLastSniff.php b/NormalizedArrays/Sniffs/Arrays/CommaAfterLastSniff.php
index d03d1ff..6472e5c 100644
--- a/NormalizedArrays/Sniffs/Arrays/CommaAfterLastSniff.php
+++ b/NormalizedArrays/Sniffs/Arrays/CommaAfterLastSniff.php
@@ -159,6 +159,12 @@ final class CommaAfterLastSniff implements Sniff

+                // If the line of the last non-empty token is the same as the closer, we're not
+                // going to require a comma. TODO: Put this under some Sniff configuration setting.
+                if ($tokens[$lastNonEmpty]['line'] === $tokens[$closer]['line']) {
+                    return;
+                }
                 $error     = 'There should be a comma after the last array item in a %s array.';
                 $errorCode = 'Missing' . $errorCode;
                 $data      = [$phrase];

Note the TODO that I've put there. IMO there are 4 alternatives:

If there is any insight/preference about any of the 1-3 alternatives above... I'm happy preparing a PR with tests and so on...

Ciao :-)

Tested Against develop branch?

stronk7 commented 10 months ago

BTW, note that the first alternative above:

In practice, render inexistent any difference between mono-line and multi-line, because the former always has the closer in the same/unique (mono) line.

fredden commented 10 months ago

Making this default behaviour seems to make sense to me. If people want to assert that the closer of a multi-line array is on a different line, one can use another sniff like Squiz.Arrays.ArrayDeclaration.CloseBraceNewLine.

jrfnl commented 10 months ago

@stronk7 Thanks for bringing this to my attention.

Changing the default behaviour would be a breaking change, so I'm not keen on that, but I'm missing another alternative solution:

Having the separate error codes would allow for excluding the applicable error code, while retaining the default behaviour as is.

The extra error code could also be considered a breaking change, but one with a smaller impact than changing the default behaviour.

What do you think ?

stronk7 commented 10 months ago

Making this default behaviour seems to make sense to me. If people want to assert that the closer of a multi-line array is on a different line, one can use another sniff like Squiz.Arrays.ArrayDeclaration.CloseBraceNewLine.

Yeah, or, also, PHPCSExtra's NormalizedArrays.Arrays.ArrayBraceSpacing available here, that is about enforcing newlines and so on (obviously we don't use that one, because we allow the cases commented above.

stronk7 commented 10 months ago
  • Introduce new error codes for this specific situation, something along the lines of MissingMultilineCloserSameLine, FoundMultilineCloserSameLine.

Aha, that's a good 5th alternative, had not thought about it! For sure it will be enough for us to be able to ignore those error codes.

jrfnl commented 10 months ago
  • Introduce new error codes for this specific situation, something along the lines of MissingMultilineCloserSameLine, FoundMultilineCloserSameLine.

Aha, that's a good 5th alternative, had not thought about it! For sure it will be enough for us to be able to ignore those error codes.

In that case, I'm open to a PR to make that change.

stronk7 commented 10 months ago

Sup, will give a try to it soon, thanks!