PHPCSStandards / composer-installer

Composer installer for PHP_CodeSniffer coding standards
MIT License
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GH Actions: various tweaks / PHP 8.2 not allowed to fail #193

Closed jrfnl closed 1 year ago

jrfnl commented 1 year ago

Proposed Changes

GH Actions/Securitycheck: update the security checker download

The security checker binary has had a new release, so let's take advantage of it.


GH Actions: update PHP versions in workflows

PHP 8.2 has been released today 🎉 and the setup-php action has announced support for PHP 8.3, so adding PHP 8.3 to the matrix and no longer allowing PHP 8.2 to fail the build.

Builds against PHP 8.3 are still allowed to fail for now.

GH Actions: minor simplification

... of the bash date command in the earlier pulled cache busting.