PHPCompatibility / PHPCompatibilityWP

PHPCompatibility ruleset for WordPress projects
GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0
179 stars 11 forks source link

Getting this error : ERROR: Referenced sniff "PHPCompatibilityWP" does not exist when i am trying to check woocommerce standard #19

Closed abhayp-cedcoss closed 5 years ago

abhayp-cedcoss commented 5 years ago

Running this command : Desktop/tide-plugin$ phpcs --warning-severity=0 --report=xml --report-file=/home/cedcoss/Desktop/orderbump.xml --ignore-annotations --extensions=php --standard=WooCommerce-Core --ignore=/vendor/ abc.php

then it's showing this error:

ERROR: Referenced sniff "PHPCompatibilityWP" does not exist

Thanks in advance

jrfnl commented 5 years ago

@abhayp-cedcoss The simple answer is that external standards need to be registered with PHPCS before they can be used.

As I don't know the WooCommerce-Core standard and don't know how you've installed PHPCS, I can not give you a more directly applicable answer.

jrfnl commented 5 years ago

@abhayp-cedcoss Did you ever get this working ? If not: please provide more information.

jrfnl commented 5 years ago

Closing for lack of response. If/when more information is provided, the issue can be re-opened.