PHPGenerics / php-generics-rfc

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Roadmap #34

Open morrisonlevi opened 6 years ago

morrisonlevi commented 6 years ago

Initially the RFC did not include modifying core interfaces, and I argued for that feature and to provide at least a small data structures library built on top of the core interfaces to prove the feature. I think I am backtracking now. I still think that has value; it's just that this feature is so large I think we need to break it into 3 or more stages.

Stage 1


Does not include:

If we don't have a generic ArrayAccess interface then a lot of the data structures would be inconvenient to use. I'm about 99% confident that this defintion should work without BC issues, and would be fully correct:

interface ArrayAccess<in K = mixed, V = mixed> {
  function offsetExists(K $offset); // returns convertable to bool

  // Yes, nullable return type.
  // Inheritors can narrow that to only V and throw if they want.
  function offsetGet(K $offset): ?V;

  function offsetSet(?K $offset, V $value); // return is ignored
  function offsetUnset(K $offset); // return is ignored?

Stage 2



Does not include:

Stage 3


What do you think?

orolyn commented 6 years ago

It sounds good, I favour a staged approach and stage one has all of the features I initially envisioned. I assume stage 2 is aimed at PHP8 based on last discussion?

linaori commented 6 years ago

Please don't wait till php8. I don't want to have to wait a few years until this becomes available. I'm also not a fan of adding new features in major versions, best to only remove deprecations so you can update without too many problems (see symfony release cycle).

morrisonlevi commented 6 years ago

To be effective Stage 2 does require a BC break, so yes, Stage 2 would target 8.0. If we don't get a 7.4 before 8.0 then we'll need to think carefully and try to get all the BC stuff done then, even though we won't be building on it yet.

Deltachaos commented 6 years ago

Would be nice. The question is: How realistic is it that the PHP team will adopt this?

morrisonlevi commented 6 years ago

Adopt generics? I think it's reasonably likely to pass, although honestly maybe not the first time around. Large RFCs tend to fail their first time, then pass later.

Right now we're not that close to proposing it anyway.

anthonyvancauwenberghe commented 5 years ago

Why would you put generic arrays in stage 3? Seems like something that's easier to implement than generic traits/functions?

Can you start finishing up the draft for stage 1 changes? Would love to see this stuff in php 7.4