PHPJasper / phpjasper

A PHP report generator
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I not understand what I necessary doing for show report in IIS PHP8 MSSQL with Jasper reports #309

Open roberto-ITA-74 opened 2 years ago

roberto-ITA-74 commented 2 years ago


I have IIS in my server with PHP 8. I have MSSQL database. I have create a report with jasper studio and connect with jdbc for sql server. This report work correctly. I have install correctly "apache-ant-1.9.16" and "jasperreports-6.18.1" in PROGRAM FILES This is my directory web: C:\inetpub\wwwroot\SDTWeb

What I necessary copy and where in my directory web for jasper have all file necessary. What I necessary write in php page for loading report ad show.

Thank you in advance.