PHPJubilee / Project

The organization and management repo for the PHPJubilee project.
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Requests to join #2

Open JordanRL opened 8 years ago

JordanRL commented 8 years ago

Please comment here if you wish to join the org.


joeyslack commented 8 years ago

Sounds fun. Interested to see where this goes, and lend a helping hand.

Andrew-Shook commented 8 years ago

Php, JavaScript, Zephir

Jr. Dev

Laravel, Phalcon, Symfony, Drupal, and Wordpress. Would like more experience working in a group and using GitHub.

JordanRL commented 8 years ago

@joeyslack & @Andrew-Shook your invitations have been sent.

JordanRL commented 8 years ago

I should post mine as well.

wnoveno commented 8 years ago

Great idea, would love to join

szainmehdi commented 8 years ago

I'd love to join!

JordanRL commented 8 years ago

@wnoveno & @szainmehdi your invitations have been sent.

codenamegary commented 8 years ago

Would love to join!


Laravel, Symfony, ASP.NET, AngularJS, Cordova (PhoneGap), Doctrine, Express, Sequelize, Composer, Zend, Less/SASS etc etc.

Call me a junior though and just pile on the menial jobs, I enjoy them. I also make coffee.

JordanRL commented 8 years ago

@codenamegary invitation sent. :)

Actually, all of us will basically be doing the menial jobs, that's mostly what technical debt is. It's just some are menial and also really, really hard.

But I hear ya. There's lots of technical debt of all skill levels in most projects.

jon-frankel commented 8 years ago

This is a cool idea.

Php, Python, JavaScript, Java (some) Senior or expert? Not sure what the diff is. Symfony, Doctrine

JordanRL commented 8 years ago

@jon-frankel invitation is sent.

The difference in my mind between a senior dev and an expert dev is:

In other words, an Expert dev should be able to sit down (if they are so inclined) and design how you would create something like gherkins/regexpbuilderphp or yohang/Finite. A Senior dev should be able to sit down (if they are so inclined) and build something like those once an Expert dev has designed it.

But as I've pointed out, the different teams are less about organizing people by skill level and more about organizing people according to the responsibilities they would prefer to have on the projects we work on.

lancepioch commented 8 years ago

Senior and Junior teams.

JordanRL commented 8 years ago

@lancepioch invitation has been sent.

saji89 commented 8 years ago

Great initiative guys, would love to join in.

JordanRL commented 8 years ago

@saji89 invitation sent.

respinoza commented 8 years ago

This initiative sounds great and would love to join.

JordanRL commented 8 years ago

@respinoza invitation has been sent.

eigan commented 8 years ago
JordanRL commented 8 years ago

@eigan invitation sent.

The team(s) you are on are mainly about the things you want to be responsible for, but everyone will be free to work on any issue that interests them and they feel like they can accomplish. The teams will be "assigned" the work appropriate for that team, but everyone will be able to work their way through all the work they think they can be helpful with.

You can be on all 5 teams if you want to. The teams are entirely self-selected and voluntary.

shivenigma commented 8 years ago

I am really excited to see this initiative, I hope this will be a good thing for both the community and for the individual devs. PHP, Javascript, CSS (?) Project, JuniorTeam, NoviceTeam

JordanRL commented 8 years ago

@shivenigma invitation sent.

njovin commented 8 years ago

Count me in. PHP, Javascript, HTML/CSS.

NoodlesNZ commented 8 years ago

PHP, Python, perl, bash, Javascript, Cold Fusion, XML/XSLT Senior/Expert/CS Haven't used a lot of frameworks, but have been using PHP professionally for 10 years, been in the industry for 18 years. I do a lot of work with code style, CI/CD (Jenkins) using phpcs, phpmd etc, puppet, monitoring (ganglia/graphite/statsd etc). I'm active in the security community, do a lot of research, have a strong understanding of security best practices and exploiting vulnerabilities.

JordanRL commented 8 years ago

@njovin & @NoodlesNZ invitations have been sent.

jrdnrc commented 8 years ago


Sign me up for everything :-)

I like working with and am experienced: Symfony2, Doctrine, Composer. Probably a load more to throw in there as well :-)

martinph commented 8 years ago

Languages: PHP, MySQL, html/css/js Senior/Expert Web services (client/server), debugging, profiling, libs, smpp, symfony2

JordanRL commented 8 years ago

@jrdnhannah & @martinph invitations have been sent.

matthewtrask commented 8 years ago

Languages: PHP, Javascript, SQL, Bash Mid Level Web, App, Laravel, Slim, Unix, PHPunit

SketchNI commented 8 years ago

Lang: PHP, Python (basic), JS (basic) Junior Laravel, Web

(Side note: Anything with UnitTests would be awesome. I have no experience running or writing tests and would love to get involved with that)

JordanRL commented 8 years ago

@sketchni & @rocketpastsix invitations have been sent.

karllhughes commented 8 years ago

Awesome idea! Sign me up.

JordanRL commented 8 years ago

@karllhughes invitation sent.

bayne commented 8 years ago

Let's get things done. Neat idea

(Maybe I'll submit my github projects too)

JordanRL commented 8 years ago

@bayne invitation sent.

Korri commented 8 years ago

Hey, count me in!

JordanRL commented 8 years ago

@Korri invitation sent.

git-user-2 commented 8 years ago

Hi there, I am interested as well. Love the idea and came from the r/php thread you posted.

lordelph commented 8 years ago

Sign me up. 23 years of industrial experience, a lot of that with C, C++ and PHP. Currently working heavily with Symfony, Doctrine and Bootstrap but always appreciate new avenues to learn.

JordanRL commented 8 years ago

@whabash090 & @lordelph invitations have been sent.

renklaf commented 8 years ago

Hi. Great iniative to kick-off involvement in open source projects. Please sign me up!

JordanRL commented 8 years ago

@renklaf invitation sent.

ayeo commented 8 years ago

I would love to join

JordanRL commented 8 years ago

@ayeo invitation sent.

EdwinHoksberg commented 8 years ago

Great initiative, I would love to join!

JordanRL commented 8 years ago

@EdwinHoksberg invitation sent.

chrispelzer commented 8 years ago

I'll bite

JordanRL commented 8 years ago

@chrispelzer invitation sent.

sunsplat commented 8 years ago

Thanks for organizing this!

dmleach commented 8 years ago

Glad to see this on Reddit over the weekend:

naroga commented 8 years ago

Awesome idea.