Open ghost opened 11 years ago
None of the 4 worksheets attached to this work item give me any problem with extra worksheets. They all load exactly as expected. Can anybody experiencing the problem please do a phpinfo dump to see if there might be any PHP configuration issues that could be triggering this issue.
The issue happens on both my Ubuntu systems, but I just tested it on a Windows machine and the issue does not manifest itself.
I'm looking at the differences in PHP configuration now. The Suhosin patch on both Ubuntu servers does stand out but I don't see how that might cause the issue. I'm looking deeper and will get back to you ASAP.
I've seen this problem sometimes when you are using a .xls saved as .xlsx, however the functions $reader = new PHPExcel_Reader_Excel2007(); $working_sheet_name_list =$reader->listWorksheetNames(); Gives the actual sheets and you can do some $objPHPExcel->removeSheetByIndex($index); inorder to correct it
$excelObj->getSheetCount() returns more sheets than there actually are in some workbooks. Often, double the amount of sheets is returned, other times more.
When you try to load and then save the same workbook, additional duplicated sheets will appear in the workbook, increasing the file size up to 3 times the original. I couldn't find a pattern to this but it does happen very frequently to my Excel files.
So far, I've observed this issue with xlsx files only.
Please follow the link for attachment 1.xlsx