PHPOffice / PHPExcel

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PHPExcel download page #122

Open vdespa opened 11 years ago

vdespa commented 11 years ago

The information missing on all github pages from PHPOffice is where to download a stable version of the library.

Or is still the place where the newest stable version is to be found?

Thanks for the great job you are doing!

MarkBaker commented 11 years ago

Thanks for the reminder. I'll modify the wiki pages to highlight what code is where)

The latest stable code (for the last production release) should be found in the master branch here on github, and tagged with the release version. Latest development code in the develop branch. "Packaged" downloads (e.g. with PDF docs, or docs only, etc) will remain linked from codeplex. The codeplex source repository is no longer maintained.

As we've only had one production release since the transition to github, we're still "in between" and working on the best way to provide production releases via github, composer, packagist, codeplex, etc. One proposed change entails moving the documentation (and possibly the examples) into their own repository/ies, and simply including them for the zipped package downloads from codeplex. Locale packs will probably also be split off into their own repository.