PHPOffice / PHPExcel

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Read CSV File #1250

Closed kevingatp closed 7 years ago

kevingatp commented 7 years ago

Does this lib can read data from CSV file, I've tried and successfully upload the file, but there's a problem when read and convert the data into array. If it possible, how's the code? Thanks

felipph commented 7 years ago

This library has no intention to do such think. It's easy:

$arq = file("PATH TO YOUR FILE");

            $csv = array_map(function($v) {
                $v = trim($v);    
                return str_getcsv($v, ","); //REPLACE comma with your separator(In PT_BR is semicollon (;)
            }, $arq);


PowerKiKi commented 7 years ago

Actually, yes it can: