PHPOffice / PHPExcel

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getLibXmlLoaderOptions disable load external xml content for script running from start PHPExcel load #1357

Closed gavrilovm closed 6 years ago

gavrilovm commented 6 years ago

Hello! I try to used PHPExcel 1.8.1 in my little project. I looked bad situation and I have question to you. Using PHPExcel on more page is good and I have used PHPExcel in phpunitest with getDataSet (PHPUnit_Extensions_Database_DataSet_CompositeDataSet). This library used function simplexml_file_load. All good, but PHPExcel is set libxml_disable_entity_loader on true and disable external content. It's good for all, it's good for code security, but when Excel document is complete is no to set libxml_disable_entity_loader on enable loading external content. On this unittest have crash on teardown processing. I things this: my code can using simplexml_file_load anywhere and libxml_disable_entity_loader on true maybe can deliver problems. How I can to resolve this situation does not stoped use PHPExcel ?

PowerKiKi commented 6 years ago

Fixed in PhpSpreadsheet, consider upgrading.