Closed simplyray closed 3 years ago
@simplyray Thanks for the issue.
Where can i find the xsd for validating pptx file against Office 2013 XML formats ? (And may be Office 2007 & 2010)
@Progi1984 I've used the Open XML SDK Tool from Microsoft. It also includes validation for 2007 and 2010)
Todo :
PR relative to this issue : #390
See comment on #353 PhpPresentation\Writer\PowerPoint2007\PptCharts Line 102 outputs a % which cause invalid XML
$objWriter->writeElementIf($hPercent != null, 'c:hPercent', 'val', $hPercent . '%');
@Progi1984 Do you know when this fix will be released?
Currently unable to do any bar charts without ppt being broken and need repairing (but no chart showing up).
Happy to test in any way I can.
@dlollman You can test this branch and give your feedback.
@Progi1984 Thanks, no good for that branch for me. Using Powerpoint for mac (microsoft). Relevant code I am using to test this out:
// Slide 5 (REDACTED)
// Create slide
////echo date('H:i:s') . ' Create slide '.$current_slide.EOL;
$slides[$current_slide] = $objPHPPresentation->createSlide();
$richtext = $slides[$current_slide]->createRichTextShape()
$textRun = $richtext->createTextRun('REDACTED');
->setColor(new Color($slide_style["data_slide"]["font"]["color"]));
//add bar chart
$oFill = new Fill();
$oFill->setFillType(Fill::FILL_SOLID)->setStartColor(new Color('FFE06B20'));
$oShadow = new Shadow();
$series1Data = array('Jan' => 133, 'Feb' => 99, 'Mar' => 191, 'Apr' => 205, 'May' => 167, 'Jun' => 201, 'Jul' => 240, 'Aug' => 226, 'Sep' => 255, 'Oct' => 264, 'Nov' => 283, 'Dec' => 293);
$series2Data = array('Jan' => 266, 'Feb' => 198, 'Mar' => 271, 'Apr' => 305, 'May' => 267, 'Jun' => 301, 'Jul' => 340, 'Aug' => 326, 'Sep' => 344, 'Oct' => 364, 'Nov' => 383, 'Dec' => 379);
// Create a bar chart (that should be inserted in a shape)
echo date('H:i:s') . ' Create a bar chart (that should be inserted in a chart shape)'.EOL;
$barChart = new Bar();
$series1 = new Series('2009', $series1Data);
$series1->getFill()->setFillType(Fill::FILL_SOLID)->setStartColor(new StyleColor('FF4F81BD'));
$series1->getDataPointFill(2)->setFillType(Fill::FILL_SOLID)->setStartColor(new StyleColor('FFE06B20'));
$series2 = new Series('2010', $series2Data);
$series2->getFill()->setFillType(Fill::FILL_SOLID)->setStartColor(new StyleColor('FFC0504D'));
// Create a shape (chart)
echo date('H:i:s') . ' Create a shape (chart)'.EOL;
$shape = $slides[$current_slide]->createChartShape();
$shape->setName('PHPPresentation Monthly Downloads')
$shape->getTitle()->setText('PHPPresentation Monthly Downloads');
@Progi1984 is there anything else I can try here to help out?
@dlollman You can help to fix this comment #382#issuecomment-346697422
@Progi1984 That comment has a commit referencing a change for sample 20 which seems to not have any bearing on sample 5 (charts), can you confirm what you want me to do?
Thanks so much
@dlollman With this branch, Sample 05 generate slides without charts, you can start by fixing it :) Thank you for advance
I just found the problem for charts in pptx But I must find why it's not valid now.
Open XML is so hard to validate... I'm looking for a lasting solution for OpenXML which support Office 2007 / 2010 / 2013 / 2016 / 2019... (#510)
Actually, I only found schema for Office 2010 so it's not lasting. If i found for Office 2007, I will release this PR.
@Zetkolink @pcholewa From #507 @phpsb @mhasanshahid From #505 @phpsb @dlollman @amitrajput92 @larryb-redflare From #353
If anything has informations about schema (XSD) for validating Office 2007 files, I'm interested.
Have you tried ....
@larryb-redflare Thank you. But no information inside :
This download provides documentation in CHM and HTML format for schemas used in the 2007 Microsoft Office system including the following products:
- Microsoft Office Outlook 2007
- Microsoft Office OneNote 2007
- Microsoft Office Visio 2007
Important The download also includes the the Ribbon extensibility schema, customUI.xsd.
I know higher in the thread someone linked to the Micsoroft XML SDK kit 2.5; maybe the older one v2.0 might help if you don't already have it ...
First line of blurb says ,... Open XML is an open ECMA 376 standard and is also approved as the ISO/IEC 29500 standard that defines a set of XML schemas for representing spreadsheets, charts, presentations, and word processing documents. Microsoft Office Word 2007, Excel 2007, and PowerPoint 2007 all use Open XML as the default file format.
@larryb-redflare & all :)
ECMA 376 is here :
Office 2007 is based on the first version and schemas are in the part 4 :
Badly, I don't succeed to use schemas.
In the 2nd edition (Office2010 : ECMA-376, Second Edition, Part 4 - Transitional Migration\, you have a pml.xsd which makes all good imports. In the first edition (Office Open XML 1st edition Part 4 (PDF).zip\, there is not any main file for PresentationML (PML).
Note :
@larryb-redflare A solution could be to create my own xsd based from ECMA 376 -1st edition...
will the problem be solved?
@pcholewa No, but we are open to pull requests & help :)
After a lot of search, I must create my own XSD with merging all xsd.
@Progi1984 Any chance that you will to do it?
@pcholewa I will try to work on it when I get some free time.
@Progi1984 thx for info
To integrate in the branch
I may have fixed this file for PowerPoint2007 files... I must check each rendering in Office.
@Zetkolink @pcholewa From #507 @mhasanshahid From #505 @dlollman @amitrajput92 @larryb-redflare From #353
Hi here, The PR has been finally fixed... Could you test on develop branch and give me some feedback ?
Hi, im trying to create charts, i have the same problem... somebody can?
Hi, I´m using the develop branch to run Sample_05_Chart but the Stacked Bar and the Stacked Percentage Bar charts are removed from the resulting pptx file.
I'm getting the following errors:
Any help?
Hi, is there any way to make charts work? I tried creating a few, but I always get "Repairment needed" message. Interestingly enough, in Sample_05_Chart two slides are actually created: a 3D pie chart and a non-3D pie chart, other slides are blank. Any idea why?
@dsjkaa same problem here, any solution ?
Is there already a solution for this problem? You cannot use generated PPTX files with charts in current Office versions.
I have already tested the dev-master.
Thanks to you
For my case, I fixed this issue (partially, at least) by changing the source code in 0.9.0 release following the latest source code (at the time of writing) in develop branch. This means, the developers are already working on it but it is not ready for release yet.
Particularly, I changed the code for writing c:hPercent in PptCharts.php by deleting the percent symbol and the code for writing a:alpha in AbstractDecoratorWriter.php by deleting the percent symbol and multiply the $alpha by 1000.
These files can be found in /src/PhpPresentation/Writer/PowerPoint2007/
Now, when I exported the .pptx, the chart can be viewed when I opened it using PowerPoint Online. It might still does not pass the validation but at least, the chart is visible now. That is what important to me.
Lastly, thank you to the developers and all contributors for this library.
EDIT: Or you can just simply use the develop branch by specifying "dev-develop" in your composer.json. And also, for the file generated using develop branch, I found no validation error when validating it using Open XML SDK 2.5.
Hi all, I think it is fixed on develop branch. Could you check it @akmalirfan @ingo-lorenz @MehdiAroui @AlexanderKulia ?
Yes it is. Thanks @Progi1984
I'm using the latest 0.9.0 release but the file generated from the Sample_05_Chart.php is broken and Powerpoint 2016 needs to repair the file before opening it (which removes the charts completly).
I've tried to validate the generated *.pptx file against Office 2013 XML formats and it throws 218 errors. Seems like every value for the attribute 'val' is a string having a percentage sign behind it instead of Int32