PHPfox-Official / phpfox-v4-feature-requests

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Page & Groups missing standard featured listed everywhere else. #1017

Open PhpFoxJohnJr opened 2 years ago

PhpFoxJohnJr commented 2 years ago

I would have posted this in a new feature but since this code is used everywhere else I am very confused why it is not used here.

When you are in a PAGE or a GROUP and Manage it, there are two menu items (Blocks and Menus). When you create a Menu (AKA - a new individual page for the GROUP) or a new BLOCK under the Blocks menu for the GROUP.

You provide the standard WORD type menu system which is great. But everywhere else in phpfox you provide an icon on the bottom of the text box to upload an image (not a URL image which 99% of users will never use). The ability to upload an image is available everywhere else except here...I don't understand. Having the ability to add a page/menu is a great feature, but only having text on that page seems old school.

The code is already there and needs to be copied and pasted to show up. If anyone figures this out paste the code here so I can fix this sooner than later.

PhpFoxJohnJr commented 9 months ago

Thank you as I just noticed the upgrade that happened over three months ago. It works perfectly!