PHPfox-Official / phpfox-v4-feature-requests

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Better adult content features #733

Open erick260 opened 5 years ago

erick260 commented 5 years ago

I noticed phpfox does have some adult content features, but none are really helpful, the only the that phpfox has that has adult content is the photo age limit of how old you have to be to view adult images.

I think that the phpfox adult section could be upgraded a little better then it currently is.

(Admins can choose what usergroup they want to allow to view the adult content.) It would be best to allow premium users to view the adult content, or If they just wanna give it free for everyone to view. )

spirogg commented 5 years ago


Maybe it would be nice to create a PAID Module for (groups app) when a user sets thier group to private - they can get paid to their paypal account and you as admin can create a subscription for groups so users pay you (admin) so they can have their private group and upload photos videos etc. no one can join that group unless they pay to join.

now all the photos music videos etc are private also the feed is private, also create a chat room in groups so they can live chat with the users if they are online

Maybe another module for groups that says Go LIVE join for 3.99 or 10.99 and chat live and watch streaming video cam. the 2 options for paid and go live module should be available to that user in group settings when they are setting up or only admincp so when we create the subscription for that group its setup for paid and live module and user can activate with a check mark if they want to GO LIVE or just PAID Module or both

Then if someone wants to view listen to and download - users private music or videos etc. private group they have to pay that user who owns that group

this would be much more easier to accomplish I think

and it doesn't pertain to only adult website can be music website for new artists, or DJ's, or Fashion Models, or someone who is making a new script php java etc..

this actually would benefit admins to make subscriptions and users would pay us so they can get paid also from other users on the site

hope this helps if anyone has anymore aides to add or subtract ?

spirogg commented 5 years ago

Maybe this can be made as 2 separate group app settings. One to make private and people can join and admin of group has to approve without paid app


another private group setting with paid module. When user select paid module they get sent to upgrade the subscription.

So in order to get the paid module they have to upgrade subscription to a paid subscription.

Then they can have that module active so now if they create a private group they can get paid from other users directly to thier PayPal account.

spirogg commented 5 years ago

Also give users option for paid module to be subscription also. So it can be one-time payment or monthly subscription. Then others users can buy either one to get access to that group.

Also Each app that a user can download from like - video, music, photo, etc in groups app can have the option to buy single downloads, if activate download. If not allow download it's a subscription just view and listen to music videos photo as subscription only in group app.

spirogg commented 5 years ago

@harrison05 I'm bored - lol I need an update or upgrade for phpfox, so I can more bug report :)

cyberhmong commented 5 years ago

Simply have an option for post to be adult or not. Then users that OPT in for adult material will automatically see it and those that don't will NEVER SEE THE POSTS OR FEEDS. That would make sense imo.