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A Better Share Feature #929

Open Elshara opened 4 years ago

Elshara commented 4 years ago

What do you think about, a better share feature? Currently how share is setup now, you can only share to a friends wall, or your own. Honestly, who looks at profile walls anymore? That was so 2010. Now days, we need direct sharing. I'd like to have a share feature setup where it goes directly through the notification system. Rename share to suggest. Have it set per post, and also tie it in with the reaction system. So it would say who suggested the post to whom, who viewed it, who commented, who reacted and how the post itself was clicked on. The entire area could be named post actions and or post statistics, where you could have individual areas so people themselves can see how well their content fairs across the network. Why tie all this with the share app? Because now days, sharing has evolved. Direct messaging can be considered a notification, but keeping them separate, allows posts themselves to be sharable within its own expandable containment area. This also helps reduce duplicate feed entries, by bringing the latest actions, reactions and growth into the original post, bringing it, and its author, a proper mention where its popularity can spark something more. I'd like to propose, the ability to: Share all content as a notification, Share all content to social media, Share all content to the saved items app, and rename it to on site bookmarks, Share all content upon its creation, including comments and reactions as well as optionally add a reason why you reacted the way you did as a part of the integration with comments and reactions per post, Share to text file, where a user can download a particular post onto their computer. This is needed because if anyone wants to review a post, they can be able to view it offline, with a link at the very end where the post was made they can type into their browser to go straight to it should someone wish to leave a comment online. This feature could also include a pop up where users can view posts in full size, so that you're totally engaged with the post you're reading or writing. The goal with sharing content, is engagement. You don't want someone to ignore your notification, but instead, find a reason to make it useful or applicable if possible. So sharing to a list of people who actually interacted with the post, or who may interact with it based on posts people already made using relative keywords, would be sure to drive traffic to it organically. I hope you like my idea.