PHPfox-Official / phpfox-v4-issues

phpFox Public Bug Tracker
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Email addresses need to be converted to all lowercase on sign up before entering into database. Use strtolower or similar function. #2889

Closed hamadax closed 4 years ago

hamadax commented 4 years ago


Please follow this template!

What's happened?

This is quite elementary. Before saving an email address to the database, force an PHP strtolower function on all email addresses used in sign up forms and anywhere else an email address can be entered by the user. Most phones and tablets capitalize the first letter when they cannot determine the type of form being filled. In this case, phones are not sensing a form type on the email form field during sign up so would go into the database as and stays this way.

Steps to reproduce:

  1. I tested on Edge and Chrome on Android with both stock and swift keyboards.
  2. I tested on Apple iPad with Safari and Chrome.
  3. Sign up using a phone or tablet.
  4. User can enter or (keyboard issue) when is not defined in HTML. The database will save it this way. This is no good.

What's expected?

before saving email addresses to databases, force an PHP strtolower function on all email addresses used in sign up forms and anywhere else an email address can be entered by the user.

Browsers and Devices tested

(Example: Chrome on iPhone X, Safari on Macbook, Miscrosoft Edge on Windown 10, Firefox on Ubuntu 16.04, ...)


Server information

(Example: CentOS 7, php 7.1 apache)


phpFox version

(Example: phpFox 4.6.0)




harrison05 commented 4 years ago

Hi @hamadax

We will check and improve this.

Thanks for your report.

harrison05 commented 4 years ago

We improved this case in phpFox v4.8.0
