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setting photos must be approved before public is not working for profile and cover photo and show in feed #2947

Closed spirogg closed 3 years ago

spirogg commented 3 years ago


Please follow this template!

What's happened?

... @harrison05 i made this into another issue: not sure because 2 different issues unless you consider this the same as this #2945 ?

They Should be pending approval from admin like all photos uploaded.

Steps to reproduce:

  1. in admincp manage usergroups
  2. find registered users and select photos
  3. find (Photos must be approved first before they are displayed publicly?) set to YES
  4. singup as new user and upload profile photo and cover photo - all users can see publicly and also the main feed will display both these uploaded photos.

    What's expected?

    ...should not show these photos and should be pending for approval from admin, because spammer or idiots can upload sex photos or something not good for other users of website.

Browsers and Devices tested

(Example: Chrome on iPhone X, Safari on Macbook, Miscrosoft Edge on Windown 10, Firefox on Ubuntu 16.04, ...)

... all browsers

Server information

(Example: CentOS 7, php 7.1 apache)

...CentOS 7 nginx php 7.4

phpFox version

(Example: phpFox 4.6.0) 4.8.1 fresh install ...


... Capture7 Capture8 Capture6 Capture9

spirogg commented 3 years ago

lets say I am a spammer and want to post sex or obscene photographs they can do this in profile and cover photo and all users on feed can see this? trying to eliminate this for that reason. but if they delete the profile photo or cover photo or any photo it should go back to needs approval so we can catch to spammers photos and decline them? not sure if this is possible ?

harrison05 commented 3 years ago

Hi @spirogg

We will check and improve the workflow of this case. Solution: When users upload avatar/cover but setting "Photos must be approved first before they are displayed publicly?" is enabled, their photos will be marked as pending even though they can see them on their profile page but don't have feeds and other can't view photos detail until an admin approves them.


spirogg commented 3 years ago

Hi @spirogg

We will check and improve the workflow of this case. Solution: When users upload avatar/cover but setting "Photos must be approved first before they are displayed publicly?" is enabled, their photos will be marked as pending even though they can see them on their profile page but don't have feeds and other can't view photos detail until an admin approves them.


HELLO @harrison05

it should say this in Main feed as well please, after we approved the Avatar / Cover .




harrison05 commented 3 years ago

Hi @spirogg

This feature improvement required the new version of Photo App v4.7.11. We will release it soon.


kibcode commented 3 years ago

@harrison05 seems like v4.7.11 broke the process. wenn users are forced to upload a profile photo on registration and the setting to approve first is disabled all the photos are pending.

spirogg commented 3 years ago

@harrison05 my initial issue is fixed with phpfox 4.8.2 and Photo App v4.7.11 its working..

@harrison05 @Scheinwelt-Media has another issue you can please check..

spirogg commented 3 years ago

@harrison05 seems like v4.7.11 broke the process. wenn users are forced to upload a profile photo on registration and the setting to approve first is disabled all the photos are pending.

I can confirm

but even though its initial avatar is pending, the user can still upload another avatar and it will work.

spirogg commented 3 years ago

PS the feature: users are forced to upload a profile photo on registrationis a little redundant when we have a user group setting: Users are required to upload a profile image?

seems this should be one or the other this is my opinion..

harrison05 commented 3 years ago

Hi all,

This might a bug, we will check and fix it.
