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IM chat - set usergroup to administrator: the option: Restrict message to friends is set to NO for admin - but we still can not send messages #2962

Closed spirogg closed 3 years ago

spirogg commented 3 years ago


Please follow this template!

What's happened?

... ok so in messages app, we have usergroup settings.. if we set usergroup to administrator: the option: Restrict message to friends is set to NO for admin

Steps to reproduce:

  1. go to admincp> apps > messages app
  2. usergroups > set dropdown to administrator> then make sure you select Restrict message to friends NO
  3. now save and clear cache.
  4. now go to main website and see if you can chat a user not friends with you ( or unfriend a user ) then try to chat? it will not let you so this setting is not working in my opinion...

What's expected?

... if you have the setting Restrict message to friends to NO for administrator group,

NOW if I refresh browser in this issue: #2961 i can send message chat

Browsers and Devices tested

(Example: Chrome on iPhone X, Safari on Macbook, Miscrosoft Edge on Windown 10, Firefox on Ubuntu 16.04, ...)

Server information

(Example: CentOS 7, php 7.1 apache)

...centOS 7 php 7.3

phpFox version

(Example: phpFox 4.6.0)

4.8.2 upgrade from fresh install 4.8.1...


... Capture Capture

harrison05 commented 3 years ago

Hi @spirogg

Setting "Restrict message to friends" is a setting of Message App, so it won't work on Instant Message App.


spirogg commented 3 years ago

Ok thanks.

Hopefully chatplus has more advanced features for admin to set I will see soon after getting the Installation on my new server. Thanks @harrison05