PHPfox-Official / phpfox-v4-issues

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Question: does anyone use LiteSpeed Web Server and have LScache working in htaccess with mode-rewrite code? #2985

Closed spirogg closed 3 years ago

spirogg commented 3 years ago


Please follow this template!

What's happened?


I am using LiteSpeed web server instead of apache. on one of my forums Xenforo script they have good documentation and a plugin that allows for public cache with LScahce.

@harrison05 do you have any help for mod rewrite code to use for Litespeed LScache to try and speedup site ?

thank you Spiro

Browsers and Devices tested

(Example: Chrome on iPhone X, Safari on Macbook, Miscrosoft Edge on Windown 10, Firefox on Ubuntu 16.04, ...)


Server information

(Example: CentOS 7, php 7.1 apache) 2 x Intel Xeon 2680 v4, 28 core 56 threads centOS 7, LiteSpeed web server 128 ddr4 ram - 2x 1tb ssd's raid 1 ...

phpFox version

(Example: phpFox 4.6.0)


