PHSKC-APDE / claims_data

Process and analyze WA State Medicaid, Medicare, and All-Payer Claims Database eligibility and claims data
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Geo kc mcaid elig timevar #176

Closed kai-fukutaki closed 7 months ago

kai-fukutaki commented 7 months ago

Adds geo_kc column in the claims.final_mcaid_elig_timevar table so that the claims_elig function is appropriately calculating time spent in KC according to APDE's approved method.

Tested on dev, but the appropriate reference tables for step 5b don't exist on dev so I substituted other tables to test the merge and it seems to work. @jwhitehurst-KC, let me know if there are issues when you run on prod.

elikern-kc commented 7 months ago

Kai - this looks great! I will defer to Jeremy to merge the pull request and test this on HHSAW prod. Jeremy - please let me know when this is incorproated into the elig_timevar table on HHSAW prod, so that I can run a QA test. Thanks!