PIA-Group / BioSPPy

Biosignal Processing in Python
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Phasic EDA #22

Closed DominiqueMakowski closed 3 years ago

DominiqueMakowski commented 7 years ago

I have another question. Is the filtered EDA returned by the eda.eda function corresponding to phasic EDA? If not, do you know any way of computing it?

capcarr commented 7 years ago

Hi @DominiqueMakowski As you probably noticed, I've been away and I'm now starting to catch up with work again. Regarding this issue, I'm not sure what you mean by phasic EDA. Do you want the phase of the signal?

DominiqueMakowski commented 7 years ago

No problems take your time :) As written here and here, EDA is often decomposed into a tonic and a phasic component, the latter being sometimes used for further analysis and peak amplitudes extraction (in the field of affective neuroscience, which is as far as I know). I implemented the cxvEDA algorithm within neurokit to get the phasic component, and then run biosppy.eda.eda on it. But I'm not sure it actually makes sense. Maybe I should first filter the raw signal, then extract the phasic component, then extract SCRs from it?

Eichhof commented 6 years ago

In the cvxEDA paper it is written that "As a result, the method does not require pre-processing of the observed SC signal (e.g., bandpass filtering) nor post-processing of the inferred phasic and tonic components (e.g., to deal with negative neural activations)." Of course this does probably not include motion artifact removal prior to cvxEDA.

afonsocraposo commented 3 years ago

Closing due to inactivity. Feel free to reopen.