PIA-Group / BioSPPy

Biosignal Processing in Python
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ICP #31

Closed vkav closed 7 years ago

vkav commented 7 years ago

Hi! I'm a medical researcher studying intracranial pressure (ICP) responses to various treatment interventions in intensive care unit patients. I was wondering if I can use BioSPPy to process and visualize ICP signals. I wouldn't assume it being more different than other signals like ecg-eeg etc. but it's not among the biosignals covered in the documentation. Thanks in advance!

capcarr commented 7 years ago

Hi @vkav It's certainly possible to use the toolbox to process your signals, as there are various general purpose methods in the biosppy.signals.tools module. However, there is nothing planned in the roadmap to support ICP signals. If you implement something in that regard, please consider submitting a pull request ;)