PIA-Group / BioSPPy

Biosignal Processing in Python
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Pan-Tompkins QRS Segmenter #37

Closed parry-do closed 6 years ago

parry-do commented 6 years ago

I'm doing HRV research. My team is most comfortable with the the Pan-Tompkins R peak detection algorithm since it is old and established. While Biosppy has many good segmenters, including the Hamilton segmenter used by default in biosppy.signals.ecg.ecg, it would be nice to have an old workhorse like Pan-Tompkins available in biosppy.

Would I be welcome to submit a fork adding Pan-Tompkins to biosppy?

capcarr commented 6 years ago

Hi @parry-do I'd be happy to review your code. Thanks for your help in making BioSPPy a better toolbox. I'll close this issue now and wait for your pull request.