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Receiver_Groups Data_a_xxx #456

Closed ysuleiman closed 3 years ago

ysuleiman commented 3 years ago

Is the data in the Data_a_xxx table/dataset already decoded? For example, do I need to Steim decoder? My question is regarding the raw data and not the API. So if I to extract the data, do I need to decode it. Thanks

timronan commented 3 years ago

@ysuleiman, you likely will not need to do any decoding to access and manipulate Data_a_xxx table/datasets. The data sets are stored and extracted as int values and are seemingly not compressed.


import numpy as np
import h5py
timeseries = h5py.File('./PH5/ph5/test_data/ph5/miniPH5_00001.ph5', 'r')

returns: <HDF5 dataset "Data_a_0001": shape (3000,), type "<i4"> numpy.int32

Further documentation can be found here: http://davis.lbl.gov/Manuals/HDF5-1.8.7/UG/11_Datatypes.html