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[BUG] segdtoph5 with -U flag puts wrong description in array table for SmartSolo #475

Closed ascire-pic closed 3 years ago

ascire-pic commented 3 years ago

When running segdtoph5 for SmartSolo data, if the -U flag is included, the description in the array table is: location/description_s=Converted from UTM Zone 13N Instead of: location/description_s=Read from SEG-D as is.

The location for SmartSolo data is not converted from UTM, making this description confusing. The -U flag is required for converting Fairfield data, and therefore will be used for mixed equipment data sets.

Version: 2021.159 Usage: segdtoph5 [options]

Command used to add SmartSolo data:

segdtoph5 -n master.ph5 -U 13N -f ../segd-5478-list -M 1