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I502 read array and station for SmartSolo's das name so pforma can sort it in correct minifile #513

Closed damhuonglan closed 1 year ago

damhuonglan commented 1 year ago

What does this PR do?

Original code can only read serial number from SmartSolo file name while a device can be used for different array/station. This PR tries to read array and station from file's header to form das name so that pforma can sort the file into the correct minifile

Relevant Issues?



hrotman-pic commented 1 year ago

Is it possible to display the message: "Reading SmartSolo headers, please wait." in lower left corner of the pforma GUI while it is working on that? (Same place the load % is displayed in processing.) It takes longer for the A,B,C, etc. progress bars to appear and I don't want users to think pforma is not responding.

hrotman-pic commented 1 year ago

Thanks for being patient with my testing on this PR. I've run more tests and the nonresponsive pforma case hasn't happened again. I am going to check the resulting minifiles again to make sure I didn't miss anything about sorting the DAS before I leave my review.