PIFSCstockassessments / ss3diags

R package with advanced diagnostics to evaluate a Stock Synthesis model. Diagnostics include residual analyses, hindcasting and cross-validation techniques, and retrospective analyses.
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Unattended R CMD Check actions to every branch when new branch is added/pushed. #41

Closed efletcherPIFSC closed 2 years ago

efletcherPIFSC commented 2 years ago

Adding/pushing a new branch to the ss3diags invokes the R-CMD-Check Github action on other branches. This R Package check workflow is made from GitHub's R Package checker action template (snippet below):


See if NOAA Fisheries Tools gactions4r R CMD CHECK scripts provide a solution.



efletcherPIFSC commented 2 years ago

Noted in the default ghactions4r call-r-cmd-check scripts was intended to run the R CMD CHECK workflow for remote branches for any push and pull request.

efletcherPIFSC commented 2 years ago

Removing the old default R CMD CHECK (Commit 0e605da2a2e9a1755d271d4ab3b1f916b9bb715d) workflow script resolved issue that the new R CMD CHECK didn't go as expected.